Mindfulness Skills for Successful Living Workshop Series
Reduce Stress and Feel Better: Evidence-Based Skills That Help
“It’s not stress that’s the problem; it’s how we react towards the stress that is.
Being more mindful of your ‘nows’ will make your ‘tomorrows’ better.”
(Marilyn Spenadel)
Many situations in life, whether expected or unexpected, sudden or ongoing, create distress that can be experienced mentally, emotionally, and physically. Sometimes when one’s mind and body are attempting to cope with stress, it can be hard to think clearly and feel good. Learning ways to better understand and cope with your stress reactions can make you more resilient, and be more proactive and intentional when facing life’s challenges.
The four workshops comprising the “Mindfulness Skills for Successful Living” series are intended as empowerment and motivational classes that teach techniques, such as mind/body awareness, cognitive reframing, and somatic work, to help students learn the skills important in leading a mindful and successful life. While each workshop is self-contained and provides useful skills, the series is designed so they build upon each other to create an integrated experience. You can benefit from attending one, some, or all of the sessions.
To become better able to appreciate our experiences, look at the positive side of things, and notice the small things.
To avoid giving more weight to to bad experiences than good experiences.
To acknowledge and accept negative emotions when they are present, rather than avoid them. To tolerate our distress better.
To become aware of what is happening in the mind, and to make choices with intention, instead of acting/moving on auto-pilot.
To find ways to stay in touch with the body and to stay grounded.
1) Be In The Moment (Develop Present-Moment Attention)
One of the most common complaints people have is that they “can’t stop thinking.” Many times people are worried about something in their life. Some people ruminate on a situation they can’t change or control, thinking the same things over and over. Perhaps most common are the negative self-worth thoughts we can tell ourselves (e.g., “I’m not good enough”), usually without substance, that keep us feeling bad and interfere with our taking chances and succeeding in life.
The Be in the Moment workshop is designed to help you become more aware of the activity going on in your mind and body, and to teach you to bring your attention back to the present moment. Various techniques are taught to shift the mind back to breathing, as well as what the five senses are registering. You will learn to shift your attention away from non-productive thinking/feeling, but to also better accept your particular thoughts and feelings. By practicing these techniques you will be able to “get out of your head” and into your body, which will help you feel more grounded, connected, and balanced.
[Not offered during the Summer]
[Zoom Link - Not offered during the Summer]
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.”
(Henry Ford)
2) Judge Less (Develop Non-Judgmental Acceptance Skills)
While many people often focus on how they’re thinking or feeling, too often they ignore their physical body and how it contributes to their mental/emotional state. Conversely, many people are hyperaware of their bodies, in particular how their body may not be “perfect.” Both situations, reinforced by our culture’s emphasis on technology and advertising, can lead to difficulties. If you are not getting the proper nutrition, sleep, or exercise you are not going to be able to perform at your best. By the same token, if you are overly obsessed with your physical “flaws” (real or perceived), and you forget to appreciate your own strengths, you will be distracted from focusing on what’s truly important, and feel bad about yourself for not being what you believe you “should be.” Feeling good about yourself, a critical part of being successful, involves understanding how, and from where, you get your negative thoughts. You can then choose to make yourself the source of your thoughts, enabling you to make them more positive and constructive.
The Judge Less workshop deals with these issues head-on. It is important to understand what kinds of tendencies you have towards judging yourself and others. You will be invited to see your more negative thought processes and to practice removing the underlying negative commentary when you look at situations in your lives. You will practice creating and extending more positive thoughts towards yourselves and others. This practice is extremely effective in reducing stress and improving relationships, if practiced regularly.
[Not offered during the Summer]
[Zoom Link - Not offered during the Summer]
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself
just as I am, then I can change.”
(Carl Rogers)
3) Focus Better (Learn to Act with Awareness)
Although it’s certainly important to improve your mental, physical, and emotional well-being, for many people success is thought of in terms of outcomes -- Am I getting better grades? Are my relationships better? The goal, then, is to translate the benefits you receive through the techniques you’ve learned into meaningful action. Becoming more mindful and intentional about your life will enable you to accomplish your goals more easily.
The Focus Better workshop teaches you to more deeply understand where your mind goes and the ways you get distracted from things you need to focus upon. You will also learn to work with tension in the body that can also interrupt your ability to focus. With greater awareness of the workings of your mind and body, you can identify what gets in your way and free yourself up to focus better on what is important to you. At the end of the workshop you will have the skills, and a greater sense of empowerment, to help you live a more mindfully present, balanced, and successful life.
[Not offered during the Summer]
[Zoom Link - Not offered during the Summer]
“What you focus on grows …
It’s your choice everyday whether to be happy or not and to focus
on what positive thoughts, feelings, and actions will best help you
enjoy your moments, while moving you in your
authentically successful direction.”
(Marilyn Spenadel)
4) Handle Things Better (Manage Big Feelings and Emotions)
Being in touch with, and being able to express your feelings and emotions is a sign of psychological health and wellbeing. Some people, however, find it difficult to manage their emotionality. They often feel overwhelmed by the flood of emotions they experience, even those times when they recognize that their reaction to the situation is “too much.” An example of this occurs when a situation provokes the “fight or flight” response, creating a sense of confusion and frustration that leads to difficulty making decisions and positively moving forward. As with most things, there is a “happy medium” when it comes to handling your emotional side.
The Handle Things Better workshop helps you gain control of your emotions through practicing mindfulness techniques. These skills promote tolerating and accepting your emotions, as well as practice moving between different feelings and beliefs. Learn how to develop a greater “internal locus of control,” providing a sense of you being in charge of your life, rather than believing that others are making you think, feel, or behave in a negative way.
[Not offered during the Summer]
[Zoom Link - Not offered during the Summer]
“Your body takes in all of your negative and positive thoughts, feelings,
and energy. These workshops will help you learn, both cognitively
and somatically, how to become aware of these connections
and let the negativity go, while taking in the energy that
will holistically enhance your success and wellness.”
(Marilyn Spenadel)