Executive Director
The executive director of the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) oversees all USG staff and manages day-to-day operation of the regional higher education center, working collaboratively with academic leaders and program directors from USG’s nine university partners. As part of the University System of Maryland (USM), the executive director serves in the dual capacity of Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for USM.
Board of Advisors
The Board of Advisors (BOA) is a formally constituted body established under the auspices of the USM Board of Regents. Its principal responsibility is to represent broad community interests and to ensure that student, business, local, and state government, and higher education needs are being addressed in the development of the USG. Within this framework, the BOA provides advice and support to the Executive Director and guidance on strategic development and implementation that includes the following areas: program identification, advocacy, fund-raising, cooperation and partnership building, marketing and promotion, financial and facilities planning, and evaluation and assessment.
Academic Program Advisory Committee
The Academic Program Advisory Committee (APAC) serves to provide the Executive Director with advice about academic policy, program coordination and planning, operational needs, and the interests of the participating institutions. It is composed of a representative of the provost of each Participating Institution. The representatives shall be appointed by their respective provosts.
Provost Executive Group
Overall policy-making responsibility for the administration of USG shall be vested in the Provost Executive Group (PEG). The PEG shall be chaired by the USM Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs and be composed of the Provosts from academic partners offering their academic programs at USG. The responsibilities of the PEG shall include:
- Review and approve academic policy proposals from the Academic Planning Advisory Committee.
- Approve the annual budget and submit it to the USM.
- Approve new academic programs.
- Review all recommendations for student fees before forwarding to the USM Board of Regents.
- Approve charges to Participating Institutions.
- Determine the scope and character of student and ancillary services at the USG within the constraints of resources in the approved annual budget.
- Ensure that services and facilities at USG conform to the standards of the Maryland Higher Education Commission and appropriate accrediting authorities.
Staff Advisory Committee
The USG Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) represents all USG staff to create a more unified, solutions-based line of communication from staff to administrative leadership. The SAC informs, advocates for, and influences change to USG policy and procedures to address areas in need of improvement as identified by staff.