Mindfulness Skills for Successful Living - Mindfulness Workshop Series Psychological Wellness Workshops - Workshop Series on Various Topics to Improve Your Functioning CONTACT301-738-6273LOCATIONBuilding IV, Suite 3139Biological Sciences and Engineering (BSE)mapHOURSM-Th: 10:00am-7:00pmF: 10:00am-2:00pmCall to make an appt. orrequest an appt. onlineHire U helps prepare you for real-world opportunities across industries. Build your career competencies at USG to land the job. GET MORE INFO ON HIRE U The Services Intake and Emergency Services Individual/Couples Counseling Group Counseling Workshops Psychiatric Services The Center Staff Take a Tour of the Center The Resources NEED HELP NOW? For Students For Faculty/Staff Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) Online/Local Resources