Please take a few moments to browse through the information below as it contains important resources on the campus that will be useful to you as you begin your employment at the USG campus. We hope that this information will help you build a connection with the campus community and learn more about the various resources available to you

Academic Scheduling

Classroom or conference room reservations

Copy Center

Print course packets, newsletters, business cards, binding, transparencies, etc.

Diversity at USG

Diversity, equity and inclusion resources
Hours of Operation

Standard operating and holiday hours

Office of Information Technology Request Forms Software, log on access, and voice services requests
Parking Apply for permits and pay/appeal citations
Policies and Procedures Policies and procedures from the University System of Maryland and USG

Public Safety

Campus alerts, inclement weather, key requests, emergency preparedness

Title IX

Protocol and reporting information
Work Request Requests for maintenance, housekeeping, locksmith, temperature control, etc
USG ID Cards Where to obtain an ID card, services requiring ID and ID card policy
USG Logon ID

USG campus credentials for logging into electronic and online resources