After getting my associates degree from Montgomery College (MC), I applied to the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) Information Science program at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). A few years back my brother attended UMCP at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) and he told me how that was the smartest choice of his life. It led me to making one of the most important decisions of my future. Even though I wondered about missing out on the full “college experience” with my friends at UMCP main campus. Little did I know, attending UMCP at USG would not only give me the college experience I sought but also provide me with a more comfortable and close-knit school environment. It wasn’t until after I made my decision to attend UMCP at USG that I found out about all the benefits the campus had to offer. Ranging from the smaller class sizes, more scholarship opportunities, and even how close to home it is. I’m the type of person who uses every resource available, and with USG having so many resources available for students, my transfer process was smooth sailing.
Attending the USG campus was such a great decision for me that now I serve as a Student Ambassador. My job is to tell prospective students why USG is the campus for them. I get to tell them why I made the decision to attend USG and all that USG has to offer while giving them tours of the campus and meeting them at open houses and other important events. I am also a part of “Girls on FIRE!” on campus, it is a women's support group. This diverse group of women are amazing listeners, motivators, and help and support each other with everything. Their goal is to encourage self-acceptance, self-love and overall confidence. Having these women by my side through my USG journey has made my transfer process much easier and even improved my overall mental health.
My goal is to successfully complete my bachelor’s degree in information science and then continue on to get my PMP (Project Management Professional) and ISP (Information Systems Professional) certifications. I will also assume many leadership positions in my field, and improve my networking and public speaking skills.