Below are answers to frequently asked questions by staff, faculty, and students on the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) campus as it relates to purchasing cards (P-Cards), travel cards (T-Cards), accounts payable, vendor maintenance, procurement, grant process, contracts, and scholarship accounts or award disbursements. Please note that some of the UMCP links provided are additional information ONLY. Should you have any questions on these topics, direct them to our contact at 301-738-6056 or by email at
I am a student. How do I pay tuition and fees?
You must contact the Cashier’s Office or Student Accounting Office at your home institution.
What are USG's mandatory fees?
See the attached schedule of fees for the current academic year.
Can I buy items for a birthday celebration for an employee? Can I use the P-Card to buy airline tickets for a seminar out of town?
Why is my P-Card declined when I try to buy a Giant Gift card to give to a student? Why is my P-Card denied by a merchant?
Can I buy flowers or plaques using my P-Card? When can I process my T-Card travel report?
All of these questions, and more, can be answered by reviewing UMD's P-Card Restrictions List.
What do I do with a PCard for an employee that has left USG?
Please cut the card into a few pieces and return them to the Business Office. Also, complete a P-Card Maintenance Form and forward it to the Business Office for final processing.
Where can I find information about travel cards?
Please visit the Travel & Card Services section of UMD's procurement website.
How do I book/arrange for a trip?
Travel arrangements are now managed through UMD's CONCUR system, which can also be found on the ARES homepage. To access the CONCUR system for the first time, you must create a profile. For training on how to use the CONCUR system, please watch the following pre-recorded videos or contact the CONCUR Help Desk:
- Concur Overview (9:56)
- Set Up Traveler Profile (8:35)
- Apply for Travel Card (5:43)
- Travel Request & Approval (14:36)
- Book Approved Travel (11:03)
- Create Expense Reports (21:12)
- Concur Login & Travel Website (7:23)
The following are quick links to travel resources on the CONCUR system that are most commonly used by employees at USG:
- How to login to CONCUR
- How to set up your CONCUR profile
- How to request a travel card
- Travel program roles and responsibilities
- How to add a delegate and act as a delegate
- How to create travel for an employee who does not have a state-issued credit card, will be using a "ghost card" or superviser's credit card
- How to create an event request
- How to create an expense report for an event request
A lot of information is available on the UMD Procurement & Business Services website, including a list of FAQs and a video on how to use Shell Shop to buy goods and services.
More information is also available on the Doing Business with UMD page.
For a list of approved vendors, you can search UMD's Products and Services page and filter by commodity, among other criteria.
Can I use my own money to pay for supplies and then get reimbursed?
Yes, but only if these are purchased from approved vendors as if you were ordering using the normal process. All procurement rules still apply as outlined in USM's Procurement Policies and Procedures. You will need to have your original detailed receipt signed by your supervisor and present it to the Business Office. In addition, you will need to submit a W-9 form.
How long will it take for a vendor to be paid?
It will take 4 to 5 weeks from the time the invoice is received by the Accounts Payable department.
Can we pay a deposit to a vendor for work not yet completed?
No. The Accounts Payable department processes payments only for delivered products or services.
What types of documents are accepted by the Accounts Payable department for payment?
The Accounts Payable department only accepts invoices for payment. Other documents including quotes and statements will not be accepted. The Accounts Payable department requires that all invoices with references to approved PO numbers are emailed by vendors to For instructions on how vendors should submit payment, please read about our current vendor payment process.
If I receive a rebate or refund check from a vendor, what do I do with it?
Bring it to the Business office and let us know what KFS number and object code that it should be applied to. We will get it processed through the Cashier’s Office and credited back to your account.
What documents are required to set up vendors in the system?
A recent W-9 form that is signed within the past six months is required to set up vendors in the system.
Can we pay vendors that are not in the system?
No. All vendors must be set up in the system before starting procurement and payment processes.
When is an updated W-9 required?
An updated W-9 is required when the vendor’s name, ownership type, or address changes.
Is a purchase order (PO) required for all procurements?
Yes. All procurements except p-card purchases require approved POs prior to delivery of goods or services.
What types of documents are required to start the PO requisition process?
A quote is required if the purchase amount is less than $25,000. A quote and a Single/Sole Source Justification are required if the purchase amount is $25,000 or more. The Single/Sole Source Justification is not required if the vendor is on the Master Contracts list.
Can we sign contracts and invoices with terms and conditions internally?
No. All contracts, terms, and conditions are reviewed and signed by the Procurement Office. Please email all documents requiring signatures to the Business Office at and we will submit them for review and signature.
Can someone give a cash donation to be applied to a scholarship fund?
It is not ideal, but, yes, we will accept it. Please bring the funds to the Business Office and indicate which USMF scholarship account should get these funds. If you are aware of this ahead of time please come get a form we have for cash acceptance. You will need to count the cash and sign for it, and then repeat the counting step in the Business Office.
As a student, how do I receive my scholarship award from USG?
Award funds are sent to the student’s home school, and will appear on your student account. Contact the USG Scholarship Office if you do not see the award credited to your account. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks after you receive an award letter.
Why can’t I just receive a check?
If a check was issued to a student directly then it would be a taxable event. It is to the student’s benefit to have the funds go directly to their school account. If there is a balance remaining at the end of the semester or year, the school will either refund it or apply it to the next term.
How can I apply to receive a scholarship?
Contact the USG Scholarship Office for opportunities.
For information about grants, please review the Grants and Contact Overview Training.