I first learned about the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) when I attended a Transfer Fair held at Montgomery College (MC) where I was a student. When I realized that Towson University offered an education program at USG, I discussed it with my MC professors, who encouraged me to attend the fall Open House at USG. I am glad I attended the Open House because it was incredibly informative.
I applied to Towson University and was admitted into their Elementary Education/Special Education (EESE) cohort at USG. I had become accustomed to small class sizes as a student at MC, and the idea of auditorium sized classes, typical of other universities, did not interest me. The option to continue my education with a small group of peers who shared my goals, seemed ideal. Affordability was also a huge contributing factor for choosing USG. I loved that I was able to have a shorter commute and reduced student fees, without affecting the integrity of the courses, or the quality of the college experience.
I have joined the Towson University Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Chapter 288 which participates in and hosts various community events to support and spread awareness for children with exceptionalities. USG has and continues to facilitate our endeavors, such as a Sensory Friendly Movie Night, by providing us with space and support.
A motivational quote on my Twitter feed a few years ago struck a cord - “Be who you needed when you were younger” (Siddiqi, 2013). Teachers undertake various roles in order to provide a successful and safe environment for students. You become a role model, counselor, advocate, leader, facilitator and trusted friend. Not only are we responsible for transferring valuable knowledge into our student’s lives, but we advise them, and stand up for their rights/needs. I aspire to become an educator that causes a positive ripple effect in every child that enters my classroom. I foresee growth in tandem, between educator and student, where who we become is our best selves.