I first learned about the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) from some fellow classmates when I was a student at Montgomery College. Arriving in the United States in 2016, I was presented with many challenges due to cultural and language differences, but I remained committed to prioritizing my education.
In high school, I was fortunate to be a part of the Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) program. Being a member of this academic group was one of the best things that could have happened for me. My ACES coach, Melissa Gudiel, was instrumental in my academic journey. She supported me throughout my time at Montgomery College, contributing significantly to my success. With the assistance of Melissa, the ACES team, and my own dedication, I was able to secure financial aid and complete my associate's degree in Business from MC in the spring of 2022. As a first-generation student and immigrant, this achievement was monumental for both my family and me.
After earning my associate's degree, I was determined to continue on to pursue a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and obtain a certification in project management. I knew the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) at USG was the ideal choice for me. Its proximity to my home—just 15 minutes away— has allowed me to stay connected with my family. Now, several semesters in, I am enjoying every aspect of my experience at USG. USG offers so many resources and opportunities for students committed to achieving their goals.
I am planning to complete my bachelor's degree in 2024. My future aspirations include establishing my own company or working for a large corporation dedicated to helping others. More specifically, I want to be a businesswoman and create an organization that supports women and children who have experienced sexual, mental, and physical abuse. My goal is to provide opportunities for others to succeed, similar to the opportunities I have been so fortunate to receive such as education, employment, and mental health support. Ultimately, I hope to establish a nonprofit organization like this that would greatly benefit the community.
I believe everyone deserves to feel valued and worthy, and I am committed to fulfilling my purpose in life, which is to help others. I aspire to be a professional and independent businesswoman who inspires others to make the world a better place. Above all, I strive to be a daughter who makes her parents proud.