Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) is a collaborative effort between Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools, and the Universities at Shady Grove to support students and provide a seamless path to a bachelor's degree.
The ACES student support program provides academic coaches to targeted high school students in ten Montgomery County Public High Schools; at all three Montgomery College campus locations; and at the Universities at Shady Grove. The coaches provide both academic and student support, using a case management approach. ACES coaches identify and neutralize barriers to student success that may prevent a student from degree completion.
ACES at the Universities at Shady Grove
At USG, we are committed to supporting ACES students as they complete their bachelor's degree at one of the 9 institutions and 40+ undergraduate programs available on our campus.
Through the ACES @ USG Program, students will receive:
- Transfer guidance from ACES Coaches at Montgomery College and at USG
- Continued 1-on-1 support from an ACES Success Coach
- Interactive workshops geared towards enhancing academic success and career preparedness
- Career immersion experiences
- Additional scholarship opportunities
- Campus & community leadership opportunities
- Graduation celebration and other special events... and more!
MC to USG Degree Connection Pathway
Step 1: Montgomery College (MC)
Complete your freshman and sophomore courses at MC. Determine which program at USG is right for you and earn your associate's degree.
Step 2: Universities at Shady Grove (USG)
After MC, transfer to one of the nine top Maryland universities that offer academic programs at USG's convenient campus in Rockville. Complete your junior and senior level course work at USG and earn your bachelors' degree from your home institution.