We work with you to interpret assignments; organize and plan your writing process; refine organization, argument, grammar, and citation; and recognize your own strengths and weaknesses as a writer.

Our Macklin staff is ready to support you with your academic papers and oral presentations! We want you to be a successful communicator in your classes, which will also build your skills and confidence for your career. Make an appointment by emailing us at usg-macklin@umd.edu or drop by Building 4 Suite 1322 to see if one of our staff is available.

Written Assignments

Bring your assignment guidelines so we can talk them through and/or bring a draft to discuss. We will lead you step by step through the draft revision process. We’ll ask you questions and discuss your concerns about what to write, and how to expand or refine your ideas. We can also work together to include domain-specific vocabulary and formatting. Students are also welcome to make regular appointments to refine their writing skills over the semester.


We are also ready to support your oral presentation needs, both in the classroom and in your everyday life. Students seeking more confidence speaking up in class can meet with us to learn public speaking techniques. We can also support students individually or by workgroup in turning your paper into a presentation; pulling out and highlighting key points; and engaging your audience. Whether you need to speak for 5 minutes or twenty, we can help you prepare your presentation and practice your delivery.

Writing Fellows

Writing Fellows are trained peer writing tutors assigned to work with students in a specific writing intensive class. These students, who are usually in the same discipline and have taken the class before, serve as a second set of eyes who will read your writing and make constructive suggestions for revision. Fellows do not grade, correct, or judge papers.

Writing Fellows Flyer Spring 2024