Join the USG Connects Professional Network!

Why USG Connects? As a career consultant you will be providing meaningful career guidance and support for students and alumni of USG. Leverage your professional experience, expertise, and network in your industry and the community and build your leadership skills as you help to guide future talent. 

Joining is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

  1. Registration takes less than 3 minutes to complete.
  2. Mentor Program Manager will pair you with a student/alumni based on their needs and interests and make the introductions.
  3. You and the student/alumni will connect to schedule a time that fits in both of your schedules.

Benefits are limitless in both your personal and career development (leadership, communication, self-worth, critical thinking).

Recommended Career Consulting Sessions:

Time commitment can be as little as one session (up to one hour) or as many sessions as both agree upon. 

Informational Interviews –  Share valuable insight into industry opportunities, industry trends, and general career advice from a “subject matter expert.” Students learn about their consultant’s background, professional roles, and experience in the sector. Man and Woman Meeting

Career Consulting – Utilize your expertise to give students career-related guidance regarding the student’s designated industry of choice, such as specific career pathways, industry trends, and internship or job search strategies.

Mock Interviews – Offer “practice” interviews to help students and recent graduates refine their interviewing skills. 

Creating Connections – Provide introductions to professionals in their designated industry, identifying professional organizations or affinity groups to join, and/or identifying networking events which a student may attend. These introductions can “opens doors” that lead to opportunities for career exploration, internships, or employment.