Need to Take a Test?

Schedule an Appointment 

To request a test proctoring appointment with USG DSS complete the online Test Request Form. Once this form is submitted, both you and your professor will be notified. USG DSS will confirm you approved test request by scheduling your session through our appointment system (TimeTap). Remember:

  1. You must submit your request at least 7 days before the date of the exam
  2. Complete the test request form carefully with accurate information
  3. Test proctoring is available Monday through Friday, 10am-5pm. Those students whose classes meet outside our hours should work with the instructor to identify a time to take the test during our regular hours.
  4. Students must follow the Do's and Dont's of the testing center at all times.
  5. Instructions and request forms must be submitted 7 days before the exam date. Students are also welcome to submit test requests upfront once they receive their course syllabus and know the dates. A new test request submission for each exam is required.  

Test Proctoring Policies

Penalty for lateness: We recommend all students arrive 5-10 minutes before the time their test proctoring appointment is scheduled to begin. When students arrive late for a test that USG DSS is proctoring, the minutes they are late will be subtracted from their total time allowed for the exam.

Items prohibited from use in the testing room: Food and Drinks, Cell phones, Laptops, Ipads, Bluetooth device, Backpacks, Purses, and other personal items (Storage bins are available).


Please email if you have questions or concerns about testing services.