Navigating My Emotions as Graduation Approaches

As graduation day draws near, I find myself on a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement pulses through my veins as I think about crossing the stage, receiving my diploma, and embarking on a new chapter of life. The years of hard work, late-night study sessions, and moments of doubt have all led to this pivotal moment. … … Continue reading

My path to UMD at USG and why you should attend USG’s upcoming Open House on May 4. Guest Post: Swechchha Shrestha, UMD Info Sci student

Hello everyone! My name is Swechchha Shrestha and I am a University of Maryland (UMD) junior, currently studying Information Science at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) campus.  The first time I heard of USG was through my involvement in … Continue reading

It’s a Wrap!

As these last couple of weeks of school approach quickly, I find myself becoming very excited for the senior events that will be occurring before commencement. Today I wanted to highlight two events happening that I will be attending to … Continue reading
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