Loan Periods

All loan periods are subject to privilege status.   If your account expires before the end of a normal loan period, your due date will be the account expiration date.

All loans are also subject to recall.




Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students



Community  Borrowers


180 days

180 days

Semester Due Date

Semester Due Date

12 weeks

30 days

Juvenile Collection

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

Library use only


8 days

8 days

8 days

8 days

Library Use Only

Not eligible

Course Reserves

2 hours, library use only

2 hours, library use only

2 hours, library use only

2 hours, library use only

Not eligible

Not eligible

iPads & Chargers

7 days

7 days

7 days

7 days

Not eligible

Not eligible

Laptops & Chargers

7 days

7 days

7 days

7 days

Not eligible

Not eligible

Mobile Device Chargers

6 hours

6 hours

6 hours

6 hours

Not eligible

Not eligible

A/V Cords

4 hours

4 hours

4 hours

4 hours

Not eligible

Not eligible

Whiteboard Marker Sets

6 hours

6 hours

6 hours

6 hours

Not eligible

Not eligible