Eligibility: Partner staff members who have served at USG for at least two years and who have a significant leadership role in their academic program. This includes, but is not limited to, Program Directors, Associate/Assistant Program Directors, or Site Coordinators.


  1. Supports student success and achievement of academic goals, and works to enrich the USG campus.
  2. Fosters innovation and access to resources for the improvement of teaching and learning at USG.
  3. Advances the educational and career goals of students through professional development opportunities, internships, and job placement assistance.
  4. Enhances the professional development, instructional, and leadership skills of faculty.
  5. Maintains strong connections for students to resources at both main campus and USG.
  6. Has not won a Kendall Service Award in the last 5 years (view past award recipients).
Nominee's Information
Nominator's Information
Please address the following

Please describe why you think your nominee should receive the Kendall Outstanding Academic Program Leadership Award. Include the nature of your relationship  (i.e. professor, colleague, mentor) and how their work meets the criteria below:

  • Supports student success and achievement of academic goals, and works to enrich the USG campus.
  • Fosters innovation and access to resources for the improvement of teaching and learning at USG.
  • Advances the educational and career goals of students through professional development opportunities, internships, and job placement assistance.
  • Enhances the professional development, instructional, and leadership skills of faculty.
  • Maintains strong connections for students to the main campus.
You may attach additional information such as the nominee's resume, letters of support, etc. (file size limit of 800KB). If you would like to submit a video nomination, please upload your video here.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.