
In addition to scholarships, USM Regent and former USG Board of Advisors member Cliff Kendall and his wife Camille established annual awards that recognize faculty, program leaders, and staff who have provided outstanding support to students, as well as staff who have demonstrated exemplary service to the USG community.
Ilse Genovese | University of Maryland, College Park - Communication | 2024 |
Chathurika Weerasinghe, RDH MSDH | University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Dentistry (UMSOD) | 2024 |
Nicole Smith, PhD, RN, CNE, CHASE, CNE-cl | University of Maryland, Baltimore - School of Nursing | 2023 |
Eric Kuhn | Towson University - M.Ed Special Education | 2022 |
Jeanette Hoover | UMBC - Social Work Program | 2021 |
Lt. Shawn Eastman | University of Maryland, College Park - Criminology and Criminal Justice | 2020 |
David Sandstrom | University of Maryland, College Park - Biological Sciences | 2019 |
Melissa Blair | University of Maryland, Baltimore County - History | 2018 |
Bob Coleman | University of Maryland, College Park - Communication | 2017 |
Adriana Rangel | Salisbury University - Respiratory Therapy | 2016 |
Evelyn Lyles | Bowie State University | 2015 |
Shawn Eastman | University of Maryland, College Park - Criminology & Criminal Justice | 2014 |
Elizabeth Wright | Towson University - Elementary Education/Special Education | 2013 |
Jennifer Todd | University of Maryland, College Park - Public Health Science | 2012 |
Judy Streeter | University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Hospitality and Tourism Management | 2011 |
Nancy Nobentrout | University of Maryland, Collge Park - Biological Sciences | 2010 |
Susan Callahan | University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Hospitality and Tourism Management | 2009 |
Barbara Dobbish | University of Maryland, Baltimore - School of Nursing | 2008 |
Diane Alonso | UMBC - Psychology | 2007 |
Luke Glasgow | University of Maryland, College Park - Robert H. Smith School of Business | 2024 |
Dr. Jennifer Hodgson | University of Maryland, College Park - Public Health Science | 2023 |
Tetyana Bezbabna | University of Maryland, College Park - Information Science | 2022 |
Chelsea Moyer | UMBC - Program Administration | 2021 |
Hadiya Woodham | University of Maryland, College Park - Biological Sciences | 2020 |
Diane Alonso | UMBC - Psychology | 2019 |
Ruth Lee O'Rourke | University of Maryland Eastern Shore - Hospitality and Tourism Management | 2018 |
Andrew Nolan | University of Maryland, Baltimore County - History | 2017 |
Kathryn Duffy | University of Maryland, College Park - Robert H Smith School of Business | 2016 |
Valerie Sharpe | Towson University - Elementary Education/Special Education | 2015 |
Rebecaa Wiseman | University of Maryland, Baltimore - School of Nursing | 2014 |
Katherine Morris | UMBC - Social Work | 2013 |
Andrew Yager | The Universities at Shady Grove - Priddy Library | 2024 |
Franklin Ofsthun | The Universities at Shady Grove - Priddy Library | 2023 |
Greta Ober-Beauchesne | The Universities at Shady Grove - Priddy Library | 2022 |
Jennifer Riehl | The Universities at Shady Grove - Center for Student Engagement and Financial Resources | 2021 |
Iris Schauerman | Center for Student Engagement and Financial Resources | 2020 |
Eileen Harrington | Priddy Library | 2019 |
Andrea Milo | The Universities at Shady Grove - Center for Student Engagement and Financial Resources | 2018 |
Mauricio Mantilla | The Universities at Shady Grove - Office of Information Technology | 2017 |
Mary Gallagher | The Universities at Shady Grove - Center for Academic Success | 2016 |
Chelsea Moyer | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | 2015 |
Ranetta Hardin | University of Maryland, College Park - Robert H. Smith School of Business | 2014 |
Larry Isenburg | The Universities at Shady Grove - Facilities & Planning | 2013 |
Ilona Faulks | The Universities at Shady Grove - Office of Student Services | 2012 |
Gloria Kalotra | The Universities at Shady Grove - Office of Student Services | 2011 |
Steve Purcell | University of Baltimore | 2010 |
Marcia Youngblood | The Universities at Shady Grove - Center for Academic Success | 2009 |
Paul Goetz | The Universities at Shady Grove - Office of Information Technology | 2008 |
Robyn Dinicola-Wagle | The Universities at Shady Grove - Student & Academic Services | 2007 |
Jane A. Briggs | The Universities at Shady Grove - Facilities and Planning | 2024 |
Erin Fernandez | The Universities at Shady Grove - Facilities and Planning | 2023 |
Nitshu Joshi | The Universities at Shady Grove - Human Resources | 2022 |
Charles Carter | The Universities at Shady Grove - Facilities Management | 2021 |