Annually, prior to October 1st, each University System of Maryland institution publishes and distributes an Annual Security Report (ASR) for its students, staff, and faculty. These publications are compiled and distributed annually in compliance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and contain crime statistics and statements of security policy. Upon publication, current students and employees of each USM institution are sent an email message providing them with a link to this brochure and notification that the current edition of the Safety & Security publication has been posted on their home campus website. The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) contributes a criminal statistics chart that is included in each of these home institutions' ASRs. This chart contains all of the Clery Crimes that are committed on USG, regardless of the home campus of the victims or reporting persons. USG also publishes a companion to home institution ASRs that is titled Safety & Security at USG; a Supplement to Annual Security Reports Published by Partner Institutions. The Annual Security Report from each of USG’s partner institutions will include a list of policy or procedural statements that are required by the Clery Act. Each home institution has addressed these policies, in their Annual Security Report, in a manner appropriate to their home campus, students, staff, and faculties. In some cases, due to USG’s distance from home campuses or ability to provide specific on-campus services, these policies may be modified or supplanted by USG policies (i.e. fire evacuations, timely notices, etc.) In other cases, these policies remain the sole jurisdiction of the students’ home institution (i.e student conduct, etc.) USG's supplemental report will identify these differences.
Printed copies of the USG Annual Security Report Supplement may be obtained from the 24 hour security desk located in the Clifford and Camille Kendall Academic Center on the Shady Grove campus.