Whether you’re interested in completing your bachelor’s degree or want to advance your career with a graduate degree, the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) campus is uniquely designed to help you get there more conveniently, affordably and successfully than you thought possible.
Located in Montgomery County, Maryland, USG is home to nine top Maryland universities offering in-demand degrees that are directly tied to workforce needs in the region. Choose from degree programs in education, nursing, digital media, hospitality management, psychology, communications, computer science, engineering, criminal justice and criminology, biological sciences, construction management, exercise science, social work, cybersecurity and more.
Get to know more about USG below.
USG’s convenient location in Rockville, Maryland, allows students to enjoy the benefits of living at home, maintain family commitments, and keep current employment, while simultaneously earning their degree.
In addition to the financial benefits of staying local, students also have access to more scholarship opportunities, from both USG and their home university, reduced campus fees, and paid employment on campus. A 2020 study from alumni at USG also revealed that on average, students were able to pay off their college debt in less than five years — 16 years sooner than the national average of 21 years.*
Undergraduate students who choose to complete the community college to USG “2+2 pathway” experience the greatest savings, as much as $50k+ on the overall cost of a 4-year degree. Graduate students can also save thousands through less fees and commuting locally from their job or home.
Students who complete their coursework on the USG campus graduate with a degree from one of our nine partner universities. Through on-campus services such as academic coaching, career advising, internship preparation, personal counseling, and leadership training, you will leave the USG campus with the academic skills and real-world experiences needed for a successful career.
USG also prides itself on delivering a more personalized learning environment to students. Class sizes at USG are typically 30-35 students on average. Classes are taught by distinguished professors from our nine partner universities, but the intimate setting allows for increased academic support, a more engaged student body, and professional relationships that extend beyond the classroom.
*5 Twenty to Life: Higher Education Turning Into Multi-Decade Debt Sentence” One Wisconsin Institute. June 2014.
USG at a Glance
Average saved by completing the 2+2 community college to USG pathway versus the traditional 4-year pathway
Percent of students who apply for and receive scholarships
Graduates who have earned their degree on the USG campus were able to pay off their college debt in less than 5 years
Percent of graduates working in the region in their intended career field
Students have earned degrees from programs offered at USG since the inception of the campus in 2000
Student clubs and organizations to get involved with on the USG campus