Experiential Learning Opportunities
An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent” (www.naceweb.org).
The Department of Communication academic internship program helps communication majors build a professional portfolio. Students should think carefully about their goals for an internship and discuss these goals with faculty members, advisors, the internship coordinator, and the site supervisor. The site supervisor must be a professional from whom the student will learn. The site supervisor must not be a family member or be employed by a family member. Students may not work in the private home or home office of an internship employer. Virtual office internships are allowed upon approval of contact structure.
Finding an Internship
Students are responsible for finding internships and may utilize the resources of the USG Career Center, UMD Careers 4 Terps, listserv announcements from the internship coordinator, their personal network, as well as many other sources. The internship coordinator will review all internships for appropriateness prior to granting permission.
Getting Credit
The internship course number is COMM386: Experiential Learning. COMM 386 is an upper level course with prerequisites and can apply to the communication major. Students enroll in an academic internship course during the same semester in which they are doing the internship. Please note that if the internship occurs during the summer the student will enroll in the summer academic internship course and will incur tuition costs and fees applicable for courses taken during that term.
COMM386 Prerequisites
- Two upper-level COMM courses completed
- A 2.5 GPA
- At least 60 credits
Students must have completed courses with a grade of C- or higher. If students have questions about whether they meet the prerequisites, they should consult with an academic advisor or the internship coordinator.
Students may earn 3-6 credits for a COMM386 internship. Students choose a credit level based on how many hours they will work at the internship site. The standard formula is a minimum of 45 hours of work per credit (135 for 3 credits, 270 for 6 credits). Three credits of COMM386 may apply toward the communication major. Any additional credits may apply toward requirements in the College of Arts and Humanities. The student should discuss the usefulness of these credits with an ARHU advisor. COMM386 is not repeatable.
If you are not a communication major, you are welcome to take COMM288. COMM288 has no prerequisites, but credits do not apply toward the COMM major.
Interns will be enrolled into an online ELMS course, and will submit all assignments through the site.
For more information, please read the Steps to a Successful Internship.
To apply for COMM386, you must complete the application found here.
To apply for COMM288, you must complete the application found here.
Submit COMPLETED internship application packages to the internship coordinator:
Raimonda Nuredini
Assistant Director
Office: III-5129, Universities at Shady Grove
Phone: 301-738-6208
Email: rnuredin@umd.edu