When I began my higher educational journey at Montgomery College (MC) I wasn’t sure of what I wanted to study. After doing research on bachelor degrees from schools in the Maryland area, I eventually came across the University of Maryland Eastern Shore's (UMES) Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) program at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). The program interested me because I had worked in the service industry for several years but never thought of it as a career.
After taking a couple of classes at MC I got a better understanding of the business and I knew that this was a career that I could be successful in. After completing my pre-requisite classes at MC, I transferred to UMES’s Hospitality and Tourism Management program at USG.
My classes and extra-curricular activities have really help me develop a deeper understanding of the industry. While at USG I have joined Eta Sigma Delta, which is the International Honor Society for HTM students. I have also been involved with the Campus Kitchens Project, which is a program that the HTM students run to fight hunger. Students get together once a month and make home cooked meals for thirteen low-income families in the area.
My support system through UMES at USG has assisted me in applying for internships. Because of this I was given the opportunity to intern at a Marriott property as a Rooms Operations Intern. I have been able to learn a lot about the hotel industry and this experience has helped me decide on what I would like do after I graduate.
My plan after graduation, is to work with Marriott International as a Front Office Manager. But that’s just the first step, eventually I want to reach the position of a General Manager at a full-service hotel. But until then I’m going to finish strong in my senior year!