While I was a student at Montgomery College (MC) I found out about the opportunities and programs that were being offered at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). I became interested in learning more. With the help of the advisors at both MC and USG I was able to easily transfer into the Elementary Education/Special Education (EESE) program at Towson University at USG.
As a future educator it is my goal to educate all children and help them reach their full potential. Having the opportunity to earn my bachelor’s degree in both Elementary Education and Special Education is truly helping me attain my goal of helping all children. The dual certification program through Towson at USG has offered me a cohort of students that I share all of my classes with. This is truly beneficial as it gives you a feeling of trust and support that you just can’t find anywhere.
During my first year I joined the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and later became an officer. As an organization, we work to advocate for those with exceptionalities while also educating others. We volunteer and create events to benefit those with exceptionalities and donate the funds raised to non-profit organizations. Being a member and officer of this group has tied me closer to my major while also better preparing me for my future career.
Thanks to the many scholarship opportunities offered through USG I was able to continue my education and excel to become a member of the Tau Sigma National Honor Society. This is yet another path that would never have been possible for me had I not decided to attend Towson at USG.
After graduating, I hope to obtain a job as a special educator in a title 1 school. I hope to take the skills that I have learned in this program to the school that I spend my teaching career at in order to educate and advocate for all students.