I first found out about the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) while searching for nursing schools to complete my bachelor’s degree. At first I did not think about applying to the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON) because Baltimore was too far for me to travel. However, I decided to look further into it and was pleasantly surprised to see they offered programs at the Shady Grove campus.
So I applied to UMSON and selected to take my classes at USG. My time as an undergraduate at USG was positive and the nursing program was extremely well organized. Furthermore, all the professors and staff were outstanding and really cared about their students. When I graduated I began working in an adult intensive care unit (ICU). After a few years, I decided I wanted to go back and earn my Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP).
I was again pleasantly surprised to see that UMSON had just added a DNP Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program at the USG campus. I wanted to be accepted into this program because UMSON is ranked top 10 for the FNP specialty.
As I am working towards my DNP FNP, I am also currently working as a registered nurse in a pediatric emergency room. I am a member of the evidence-based practice council at my current hospital, and a member of the CAUTI prevention team in the ICU.
UMSON at USG has given me the skills and knowledge that I need to be able to perform at my fullest potential. Specifically, UMSON at USG has inspired me to always keep an open mind and any endeavor I happen to pursue is a real possibility.
Nursing, as well as the healthcare landscape, is continually evolving. Higher education in the nursing field is in-demand, and highly educated nurses and nurse practitioners will surely impact healthcare in a positive way. Therefore, my goal for the future is to graduate from my DNP FNP program and become a family nurse practitioner working with families in underserved areas.