My Life as a Grad Student

As our school year is coming to an end, I started to reflect to when I was first hired to be a blogger for Around the Grove, especially a Graduate Student Blogger. I was told that my unique perspective as … Continue reading

Two Years Later

It’s hard to believe that I will not be writing another blog post two weeks from today.  It’s hard to believe that I will not be jogging around the school asking people to attend the town hall the last Wednesday … Continue reading

Stress (Posted on behalf of Dilani)

Ugh. That word alone makes me let out a sigh. There is no one on this planet that is immune to stress. As a public health student, I hear about the importance of being physically healthy all the time. There … Continue reading

Same Faces | New Experiences (Posted on behalf of Menaza Fernando)

One day, I was walking around Building III in the search of finding an empty classroom when I noticed a familiar face. It was a girl whom I had seen before at Montgomery College. She seemed to recognize me as … Continue reading

Study Breaks (Posted on behalf of John Arthur)

With exams now, you’ve probably been spending a lot of time in the Priddy Library studying. You’ve probably realized that you haven’t gotten up for the last few hours and need a change of location. I personally like to move … Continue reading

Volunteering (Posted on behalf of Zoha)

As a pre-medical student, one aspect that pre-medical advisors encourage students to have on their application is volunteer experience. This includes volunteer experience in a clinical setting but also volunteer experiences in other settings.

Tweet from USGStudentLife at Mon Jun 27 13:20:07 +0000 2016

RT @HungryHarvest: For every retweet we get on this tweet today, we'll donate 5 lbs of produce to people in need! We #got produce to donate…
