Embracing the 9-5 Lifestyle

Growing up, I always hoped to avoid the traditional 9-5 lifestyle. As I ventured into the professional world, I recognized that such a schedule was often inevitable, at least for the initial years. However, with my interest in coding and a recent focus on data engineering, I believed it was possible to carve out a … … Continue reading

Summer Blogs

I hope you are all having an amazing summer! As for myself, I am truly fortunate to be interning at an absolutely incredible company! When I first began this journey, I must admit, a mixture of excitement and nervousness filled my heart. This was mainly due to the fact of moving to a new state … … Continue reading

Babysitting Tales…

Since summer has started, I have had multiple random babysitting jobs thrown my way, and it had me thinking about the iconic book series I loved growing up. The babysitting club is about a group of friends who run a babysitting service to gain some extra cash. The purpose of the books is to display … … Continue reading

Repurposing Campus Furniture for a Good Cause: Guest Post: Erin Fernandez from USG Facilities

By: Erin Fernandez, Space & Scheduling Manager, Facilities Management, The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) The last time I drove a box truck was over a decade ago, when I moved from Georgia to DC after grad school for my … Continue reading

My Final Blog.

For my final blog, I would like to reflect on the semester and plans for the summer in the form of a journal entry!  May 8, 2023 This past semester has been hectic, but I am so happy with how … Continue reading
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