Which Learning Style Describes You? 

Everyone is different in how they learn and interpret information. Have you ever wondered why you grasp materials better when the professor presents lecture slides instead of just speaking? There is a reason for individuals preferring distinct learning styles to help them process and retain information. Hopefully this post will help you find the learning … … Continue reading

Monday Motivation

Hello everyone! Happy Monday! Currently, it is the midterm season and I wish all of you the best for your midterm exams, projects, and results.  Regardless of how well or poorly your semester’s first half went, I am here to … Continue reading


This is my last semester of college! I’ve had an amazing time in school, made great friends, and learned so much. But lately, I’ve been excited to start my professional career. I already accepted a full-time job offer about a month ago, and since then, I’ve been experiencing what they call “senioritis.” Senioritis is when … … Continue reading

FOOD impacts your MOOD!

In our fast-paced world, meals are often rushed affairs, eaten in front of screens or on the go. But what if I told you that a simple shift in how you approach your meals could transform your health and well-being? In this blog post, we'll explore the powerful benefits of mindful eating and share practical tips to get you started on a journey to better health and a more satisfying relationship with food! Continue reading

Trust Your Gut!

In a world driven by data, logic, and rational decision-making, there exists an aspect of human intuition: gut feelings. Recently, I found myself trusting my gut on a huge life decision, and I later found out that intuition was correct. … Continue reading

Calling all bookworms!

As the blog world knows, I love books a lot.  But strangely enough, I’ve never been thrifting for books. So, this past weekend, my friend and I decided to visit as many thrift bookstores in our area as possible. Of course, I had to share my findings to the blog community, so here are the … … Continue reading
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