Embracing Opportunity: My Experience as a First-Gen, Debt-Free Graduate

I recently had the honor of representing my peers as the undergraduate student speaker at the UMD Board of Advisors meeting for the Robert H. Smith School of Business. This experience has been nothing short of transformative, especially considering my … Continue reading

Monthly Mindset: Setting Goals & Affirmations

Have you ever experienced a sense of overwhelm and disconnection from your goals because life seems to be happening at a breakneck pace? In the fast-paced world of today, it’s a typical occurrence. But what if I told you that … Continue reading

Embrace Change

One aspect of our life that’s constant is change. Yet, many of us find ourselves clinging tightly to our comfort zones, afraid to venture into the unknown. Realistically, that is part of human nature. Most of us would rather stay … Continue reading

Tips to Avoid Distractions and Stay on Track

Hello fellow students! Let’s face it, staying focused on your studies can be a real challenge. With all the distractions around us, from social media to the latest shows, it’s easy to lose track of time and wander off track. … Continue reading

My Journey into the Enthralling World of “The Silent Patient”

I recently embarked on a literary adventure that took me by surprise and left me utterly captivated: my first dive into the realm of psychological thrillers with Alex Michaelides’ “The Silent Patient.” As someone who’s typically a huge scaredy-cat when … Continue reading

5 New Skills I Want to Learn Over the Summer

As summer approaches, I find myself wanting to embrace new skills and expand on existing abilities. I’ve set my sights on some experiences that I hope contributes to my personal growth. Join me as I list the top 5 things … Continue reading

Beyond The Screen

Last semester, one of my professors spent an entire class session lecturing us about digital technology. This class session is one that has stuck with me, as it made me realize that I spend so much time looking at a … Continue reading

Navigating the Post-Spring Break Semester Grind: Tips for Success

Greetings everyone! I trust your spring break was a memorable one. As we dive back into the academic routine this week, I understand the struggle of transitioning from leisure to productivity. However, the good news is that we’re approaching the … Continue reading
