As Summer Slowly Comes To An End……

With summer slowly coming to an end. I’ve started to prepare a bit for the upcoming semester, and I know there may be some things that my fellow peers totally forgot about over the summer, so I am here to remind you!  Check your class schedule If you are anything like me, you probably signed … … Continue reading

Reflections on My Internship Journey

As I sit here, typing my final blog as an intern, I am filled with mixed emotions. The last ten weeks have been a whirlwind of learning, growth, and pure enjoyment. As my current internship comes to a close on August 4th, I can’t help but look back on this transformative experience and the valuable … … Continue reading

Cozy Summer Switch Games

One of my favorite downtime activities is to play on my Nintendo Switch Lite. I am not a huge gamer, but I definitely recommend the Lite if you enjoy entertainment on the go. In this blog, I wanted to share a couple of games that I enjoy on my switch!  Animal Crossing is a social … … Continue reading

Therapeutic gardening and motivation to start your own

Something that my mom has started doing within the past couple of years is gardening. She was going through a period of depression, and a relative had recommended that gardening would help her find her passion. Although it might be … Continue reading

Concert Survival Kit!

I have been to many concerts in my life, but haven’t been to one in two or three years. I am so excited to be going to a BLACKPINK concert in August, and hope to share some concert experiences and tips, as I know summer is notorious for being concert season! Pick out an appropriate … … Continue reading

Living in RVA

At this point of the summer, I have lived in Richmond, Virginia for a little over eight weeks. Eight weeks may not seem like a long time, but it has been enough for me to form a few opinions and … Continue reading
