6 Journal Prompts to reflect 2023

Hello to my dear peers, fellows, and beyond who are reading my last post from this year 2023. I want to extend some of my reflections from this year with you all here; some of them were essential to my mindset, and this year I kept a journal, I feel very happy because I was … … Continue reading


I’m writing this blog post as an official 2023 graduate!!! It’s been three years of so much work and sacrifice, and the days leading up to graduation were pretty hectic.I ended up doing a lot of things to make my … Continue reading

The Best Bites Near USG

As students, finding the perfect spots to grab a quick bite or unwind with friends is a crucial part of the college experience. After all, we all deserve a little treat here and there to reward ourselves for the hard … Continue reading

Do’s and Don’ts of Winter Break

Do #1 Take the much needed time to relax and unwind after the long semester. Catch up on your sleep, watch some of your favorite shows, and neglect the feeling of “Oh I forgot to turn in that assignment!” You … Continue reading

Enjoy Your Winter Break with These Fun Activities

Winter break is finally here! It is that magical time of the year when you get to take a break from college and enjoy some well-deserved time off. Whether you are looking to stay cozy indoors or venture out into the snowy wonderland, there are plenty of activities to make your winter break memorable. When … … Continue reading

Taking Life’s Detour… Again

When I last shared on this blog about “Taking Life’s Detour,” my future was a little more uncertain. Now, here’s a follow-up, a Part 2, to shed light on where life is guiding me. Also, please take my continuous changes … Continue reading

Savoring Winter Warmth

As December unfolds and the chill in the air becomes more pronounced, there’s nothing quite like a steaming bowl of comfort to warm both body and soul. Among the array of options, one dish stands out as the perfect remedy … Continue reading
