Embracing the Time Change

The recent time change has left many of us feeling a bit groggy and disoriented as we adjust to springing forward. Waking up to darkness and dragging ourselves out of bed can be quite the challenge, especially when we, or … Continue reading

The Art of Failure

Failure. It’s a word that often carries a negative connotation, invoking feelings of disappointment, shame, and frustration. However, what if we were to reframe our perspective on failure? What if, instead of viewing it as a roadblock, we saw it … Continue reading

What I Would Tell My Younger Self

Source: pexels If I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would tell her several things. First and foremost, I would tell myself that the mistakes I make are not so terrible. I would reassure her that … Continue reading

Spring Is Almost Here!

Hello everyone, and happy (almost) spring! Although it is not technically spring until March 19th, the weather from these last few days sure does make it feel like it is! Spring is my favorite season. With the flowers blooming, the … Continue reading
