Tweet from UatShadyGrove at Wed Jul 06 20:46:45 +0000 2016

RT @USGStudentLife: The Office of Student Services squad @UatShadyGrove is happy to help u w/financial aid questions & more this summer! ht…

Guest Post: Sarah Giacalone, President of the Social Work Student Association, UMBC Social Work student

A few months ago, I watched as the refugee crisis in Syria flooded my Facebook feed; showing images of children and families dying in an effort to reach safety. I was moved to tears by how much these families would risk to escape the horrible violence of civil war that is currently plaguing their country.

Guest Post: Ilse Genovese, UMCP Communication student

The focus was on America's understanding of terrorism through the prism of the media. Continue reading

Guest Post: Nickolas Falk, Acquisitions & Administration Librarian

With the spread of Zika virus reaching a highpoint on February 1, 2016 when it was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its association with microcephaly and other neurological disorders, the Priddy Library here at the Universities of Shady Grove (USG) decided we needed to do something.

USG featured in The Atlantic

As more students stay close to home for college, universities face the challenge of rethinking not only the education they offer, but how they deliver it to an increasingly diverse student body. Continue reading

USG featured in The Washington Post

It would be easy to mistake the Universities at Shady Grove as a flagship public school, with its red-brick buildings and its state-of-the-art labs, library and fitness center.

Friendships at USG: Bonds That Make The Difference

One of my favorite quotes is by Charlie Chaplan, who said:  “a day without laughter is a day wasted”. It’s true because laughter to me means enjoying the moment. That’s how I feel about the friendships I’ve made here at USG. … Continue reading

Summer Fun

Your internship preceptors may be the key to landing your first job, so always be prepared. Continue reading

Integrating Passion and Strategy | Happy Finals!

Earlier this week, I was listening to the commencement speech given by President Obama to the Howard University’s Class of ’16 Graduates, and he said one line that truly resonated with me... Continue reading

My Tidal Wave of Change: A Spoken Word

Seventeen years. Since my first day of school. I can look back  all the way to that day and still remember my navy blue dress, the big grin on my face, and my bright red vest. It was day one … Continue reading
