How USG Embraces Diversity and Supports Mental Health. Guest Post: Aisha Sowe, UMD Communication major

Montgomery County, Maryland is a proudly diverse county. Here at the Universities of Shady Grove (USG), this sentiment is reflected. Many people in the world don’t have that experience or know the importance of community is essential. But what if … Continue reading

The Art of Storytelling: A Final Reflection

Join Georgi as he reflects on his journey of blogging and videography, two powerful art forms that have allowed him to share and connect with our vibrant USG community. Continue reading

Reflections and Encouragement from a Graduating Senior:)

Happy Friday, everyone! As we navigate through finals week and the home stretch of the semester, I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts and reflections as I close this chapter of my undergraduate journey and step into … Continue reading

Sunday Funday in Downtown Frederick

O-M-G! have you heard of, or have been to The Wine Kichen on the Creek? It located right in downtown Frederick and it’s amazing! We went for Sunday brunch, and it did not disappoint at all. We chose to sit … Continue reading

Reflecting on My Terp Experience at UMD USG Campus: A Journey to Call Home

As I sit down to write my final blog post for Around the Grove, I can’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia mixed with gratitude washing over me. My time as a Terp at the University of Maryland’s USG … Continue reading

A Special Post to You

Dear Around The Grove community, As I reflect on my time as a student blogger for USG, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to share my encouraging messages with you. Throughout my academic journey, being a part of … Continue reading
