
The holiday season marks the end of a semester and the beginning of a New Year. Between studying for exams and making New Year’s resolutions, students attending programs at The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) celebrated this Season of Giving. Several student organizations ran multiple events and giving drives, all to benefit various charities in the local community.

The USG Student Ambassador’s kicked off a Food Drive in November and collected food for Thanksgiving to donate to the Manna Food Center. They were so successful that they extended the drive to collect food for the holiday season as well. Mohanie Samaroo, USG Student Ambassador Philanthropy Chair, stated “The Student Ambassador program is about giving back to USG. We also want to also give back to our community. It’s a rewarding feeling to know that you’re helping someone. As they say, no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”

The Social Work Student Association (SWSA) and Tau Sigma National Transfer Honors Society conducted a Coat Drive. Over 75 coats were collected and donated to A Wider Circle and MIRA USA. Veronica Diaz, SWSA Community Liaison, commented “With the cold weather we realized we need to keep those less fortunate warm.” Bethany Medley, SWSA Vice President, echoed, “SWSA wanted to give back during this holiday season. A coat drive is a simple and easy way to make a difference in someone’s life.”

The USG Student Event Board (SEB), USG Student Council (SC) and the Muslim Student Association (MSA) joined forces to run a Toiletry Drive. Altogether, they collected 10 boxes of toiletry items, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, tissues, feminine products, deodorant, and shampoo and donated them to Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless. Monica Ahuja, SEB President, said “This is the first of many drives that SEB is conducting. We decided to do a toiletry drive since these small items make a big impact in people’s lives. SEB wanted to find a way to give back and help the less fortunate stay healthy and clean.” Ruslana Milikhiker, SEB Vice President, remarked “The toiletry drive was an event that students from all nine universities could easily participate in. We use these common items every day without realizing what it would be like to not have them at our finger tips.”

Students from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) Campus Kitchens and Kendall Scholarship Recipients got in the holiday spirit by decorating gingerbread houses. The students were joined by USG faculty, staff, and Dr. Edelstein, USG Executive Director, to participate in the festive event. The completed gingerbread houses were donated as a holiday treat to local families through The Dwelling Place and Nourish Now.

Each one of these events was a huge success; members in the community and throughout the region will be positively impacted for holiday season. Students at USG truly embraced the Season of Giving and will continue to do so for every season.