
Flu Preparedness Letter to USG CommunityFlu picture

October 30, 2014 

The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) response to the seasonal flu will be managed by the Incident Response Team (IRT). The IRT will meet as needed as issues unfold.

USG will be remain in contact with Montgomery County health officials, and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH). UMCP's Director of the University Health Center will be consulted with for issues related to this and all other health emergencies, including contact with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO). For more information please click here.

The campus will rely on the USG homepage and text message system to post regular updates on campus conditions. We encourage you to visit the following page to enroll in the e2@campus alert system. The University has existing communications resources that can be mobilized for quick response as necessary. The Senior Director of Marketing and Communications will be responsible for utilizing media relations as additional means of communicating with all USG constituencies.

USG is a multi-institutional campus and as such must communicate with all partners, including the 9 University System of Maryland (USM) institutions, USM Administration, Montgomery College and the Montgomery County Public School system that offer classes at the campus, as well as, conference clients on a case-by-case basis.


  • Have hand sanitizer dispensers in all buildings near the main entrances, library, café and conference center.
  • Encourage faculty, staff and students to pomote good hygiene habits by handwashing, and carrying their own hand sanitizer.
  • Maximize the number of people vaccinated for the seasonal flu.
  • Have high-touch water fountains, bathrooms and doorknobs sanitized with the recommended appropriate cleaning supplies periodically throughout the day.


  • Provide educational posters relating to hygiene (e.g., hand washing, cough etiquette) for public spaces frequented by large numbers of faculty, staff and students. Provide fact sheet on flu prevention strategies to USG community.
  • During the fall semester, work with partner campuses to have peer educators at display tables by the USG Café to distribute hygiene information and answer questions.

Continuation of Service

  • The COO will serve as the point of contact if circumstances warrant that we modify or cancel classes.  The COO will coordinate with members of the APAC (Academic Program Advisory Committee) as well as all senior leaders at USG.
  • Each division at USG will be encouraged to establish a phone tree communication system so that staff members can be notified efficiently if there is a need to change or modify operating hours.
  • Have all units consider how they will function/provide services with fewer staff, noting restrictions of hours and service levels if necessary.


  • USG does not have an onsite health center. As such, all individuals utilizing the campus should seek treatment from their individual health providers.

Additional Resources


Jessica Nardi
Director of Administration
Phone: 301.738.6324
E-mail: jnardi@umd.edu

John Brandt
Safety, Security & Transportation Manager
Phone: 301-738-6021
E-mail: jbrandt@umd.edu

We need to hear from YOU!!

Please send us your suggestions/comments/concerns about safety and security on our campus.