
The Center for Recruitment and Transfer Access (CRTA) recently hired, Amandalynn Green, as USG’s Transfer Access Coordinator. Amandalynn serves as a USG liaison, working with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and Montgomery College (MC) students to improve awareness of USG and the benefits of transfer access programs such as the University of Maryland College Park’s (UMCP)Terp Transfer Partnership and the University of Baltimore’s Bee Line. As word has spread regarding the benefits of USG transfer access programs, CRTA has been contacted by an increased number of prospective students interested in learning more about the programs. During the Spring semester, five TTP students from the first two cohorts that successfully completed the program and transferred to the UMCP at USG received the $5000 the TTP scholarship that was instituted in January, 2014.

The Universities at Shady Grove and its partner campuses continue to work closely with Montgomery College (MC) and its partners to create clear and structured pathways for MC students to follow to completion of both an associate’s and bachelor’s degree. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Salisbury University, the University of Maryland School of Nursing, and UMBC have all discussed the development of transfer access programs between USG and MC and some of the programs will begin during the 2014-15 academic year.