
Photokids 2013, an exhibit featuring nature photography created by 22 local teens, is open at the USG Priddy Library September 17 to October 10. 

The event is presented by the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC), in partnership with Identity, Inc., a community-based organization that serves Latino youth and families in Montgomery County. The opening reception for the exhibit will be held on September 26, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Priddy Library .

The Photokids program combines the teaching of science, the exploration of the natural world, and the art of photography with three simple goals: to provide teens with enriching experiences and caring mentors during unsupervised hours, to introduce students to digital photography, and to expose them to the natural world through experiential learning.

“When I look at my photograph I see a beautiful picture. This experience taught me that I can do everything that I thought I couldn’t do” said seventh grader and Photokids 2013 participant Nilson.

This summer, twenty-two teens from Identity met with artist and environmental photographer Joanne Miller to kickoff Photokids 2013. Ms. Miller supplied each teen with a camera and shared with them the fundamentals of photography. Over the following 10 sessions, Identity staff, the Montgomery County Department of Recreation, and Ms. Miller led the teens on exploratory field trips to Greenway Trails, Butler’s Orchard, Brookside Gardens, and Black Hills Regional Park. On these trips, the students were encouraged to express their personal vision by capturing images and memories that represented their own stories and perspectives. These images were then utilized by the teens to curate the Photokids 2013 exhibit with the guidance and support of Ms. Miller.

“Photography is one of the best ways to introduce children to nature” says Joanne Miller. “Many of the students had very little exposure to the outdoors, so this was a new and wonderful experience for them. They learn to feel safe in an unfamiliar environment and are now able to showcase their work through this incredible exhibit.”

“The arts offer powerful experiences to children” remarked Suzan Jenkins, AHCMC’s CEO. “Over twenty years of research confirms that students who participate in the arts generally have better self-esteem and score higher on academic achievement tests. We know that all children benefit from arts experiences similar to this summer program at Identity, and that is why AHCMC continues to facilitate and support this important endeavor.”

For information about the exhibit, including the locations of the photos and library resources about the arts, photography, nature, and environmental art visit 


For more information about the Photokids program visit www.creativemoco.com/Photokids2013