
A crowd of more than 900 students, family members, friends, and faculty joined the Universities at Shady Grove in honoring the eleventh class of graduates from programs at USG during the 2012 Graduation Celebration, held Thursday, May 10. Award-winning NBC4 News anchor, Jim Vance, delivered the keynote address for this year’s celebration, which honored 560 baccalaureate candidates, as well as 38 doctor of pharmacy graduates.  

“We wish these graduates all the best as they pursue further education and career goals, and will be eager to learn of their future accomplishments as active leaders and members of our community.,” said Dr. Stewart Edelstein, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the University System of Maryland and the Executive Director at USG. “We know that they take with them an essential part of what the Universities at Shady Grove is about – a commitment to creating opportunities and changing lives.”

Words of Encouragement

NBC4 News anchor, Jim Vance, connected with students during his keynote address, offering a highly enthusiastic and well-received set of “rules” to consider as they move forward in their lives and their careers. Through a series of humorous and personal anecdotes, Vance weaved in vital life-lessons about saving money, listening well, associating with positive people, learning the value of mistakes, and striving to lead, not follow.

Student speaker, Thulani Tlokotsane, a graduating senior in R.H. Smith School of Business at USG, congratulated his classmates on their accomplishments while telling his own story of hard work and dedication. He spoke of the opportunities for enrichment at USG, noting that his experience was comprised of more than sitting in a classroom.

“I did not just show up, I got involved, I gave back,” said Tlokotsane, a USG Student Ambassador, part-time employee of the USG Career and Internship Services Center, and representative on the UMD Dean's Advisory Council.  

Remembering the Class of 2012

Student council president and graduating senior in the University of Maryland, College Park Public Health Science program at USG, Zofia Klosowska, presented the 2012 senior gift – a print of the original artwork, In the Palm of My Hand, by Argentinean artist, Mirta Kupferminc.  

Carla Gott, a graduating senior in the University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s Social Work program presented the annual video slideshow created by the Office of Student Services, highlighting several memories the graduates’ time at USG.

In total, more than 4,100 students have now received bachelor’s degrees from programs at USG since the campus began offering full-time, daytime programs in the fall of 2000.


View and download pictures from the 2012 Graduation Celebration at www.flickr.com/uatshadygrove