To foster innovation within the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) community and the work of the new Industry Sector Hubs – and to meet the growing needs of current and future students, and regional employers – USG has launched the Joann Boughman Innovation Fellows program, named in honor of the University System of Maryland’s recently retired Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Joann Boughman.
This annual fellowship opportunity will support the work of four individuals leading innovation in academia, industry, government or the nonprofit arenas, working in partnership with USG. It is aimed at catalyzing initiatives that will advance innovation and collaboration across USG’s four industry sector hubs, with their focus on strengthening the quality and opportunities for all learners in the related pathways.
The first four Innovation Fellows include:
- Dr. R.D. (Mel) Gomez, University of Maryland, College Park, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Director of Cyber Physical Systems at USG, appointed as an Innovation Fellow with USG’s Engineering and Technology Hub.
- Dr. Ralph Hall, Virginia Tech, Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning, Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Public and International Affairs, appointed as an Innovation Fellow with the Public Service Hub.
- Dr. Sarah Michel, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Dean, School of Pharmacy, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, appointed as an Innovation Fellow with the Health and Life Sciences Hub.
- Dr. Victor Mullins, New York University, Senior Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Stern School of Business, appointed as an Innovation Fellow to the Business Enterprise Hub.
The fellowships are awarded to members of academia, industry, government or the nonprofit sector who bring new perspectives, ideas, and experience to the work of the hubs. They are each committed to the guiding principles of USG’s distinction as a “Community of Innovation,” with a focus on planning, building, measuring, assessing and strengthening student-centered pathways for affordable and competitive education, career readiness, and student success.
Fellows will engage for one year in imagining, designing, planning for and/or advancing a component in one of the four industry sector pathways. They will integrate with the work of an industry sector hub and will collaborate with the USG team, its USM academic partners, and employers on the hub. The fellowship carries the title, as well as a $10,000 annual stipend/overload provided across the fiscal year.
Moving forward, an annual call for Fellows (every August, beginning August 2024) will include a proposed project, as well as a commitment to project goals and engagement with the USG community, across the year. There will be an Innovation Fellow for each of the USG Industry Sector Hubs: Engineering and Technology, Health and Life Sciences, Business Enterprise, and Public Service.
Innovation Fellows will:
- Actively engage with USG academic partners and employers engaged in the industry sector hubs related to the proposed project.
- Actively engage through the industry sector hubs to the promise and challenges at USG to meet the needs of the future fluid student.
- Engage students in programs at USG to participate in the proposed project.
- Convene a culminating activity as a result of the year-long project that is shared among the USG community and its academic partner and community stakeholders.
- Collaborate directly with the relevant Industry Sector Hub Chairs, as well as relevant leaders of the USG executive leadership team, to deliver on the milestones within the project and collaborate with the work of each component of the USG service line.
A lifelong innovator, collaborator, scientist, and believer in the promise and the impact of education, the Innovation Fellowship honors Joann Boughman’s career and service, and her commitment to and belief in the role of the regional higher education centers within the University System of Maryland as a means of driving innovation and meaningful change in the educational experience and career opportunities for all learners.