
Recently appointed University of Maryland Eastern Shore President, Dr. Juliette Bell, visited USG on Monday, September 24th to learn more about the USG campus and introduce herself to students and faculty of the two UMES programs offered at USG, B.S. Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) and B.S. Construction Management Technology (CMT).

Dr. Bell, along with UMES Interim Provost & Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Retia S. Walker, toured the USG campus with Student Council President, Shahina Khan, met with USG leadership, and visited classes in session.

Dr. Bell and Dr. Walker meet in the Marriott Teaching Kitchen with students of the UMES Hotel and Restaurant Management Program and UMES faculty at USG, including HRM program director, Ruth Lee (3rd from left), and Construction Management Technology program director, Bijan Shapoorian (far left).

Dr. Bell and USG Executive Director, Dr. Stewart Edelstein, talk with UMES HRM student, Rebecca Frederick, about the program at USG.

Dr. Bell attended HRM’s Bread Baking Basics course led by UMES faculty chef, Susan Callahan, where each student prepared and presented a special recipe. Here student, Jennifer Dean, serves Jamaican Rum Cake.

Dr. Bell discusses the Construction Management Technology curriculum with students during their Environmental Technology Course.