
Dear USG Community,

Sadly, this past weekend, we were witnesses to terrible violence and hatred in Charlottesville, Virginia and on the University of Virginia's campus.

As a university community, we strongly condemn all forms of bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism. It has no place in our community.  We need to speak out forcefully against individuals and groups who espouse any supremacist ideologies that seek to terrorize, instill fear or marginalize any members of our community.    

The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion and understanding for all members of our community -- faculty, staff, and students.  In the wake of the violent, hate-driven acts of this past weekend, we each have a responsibility to lead in building understanding and civility throughout our community.  Our campus believes in tolerance and the equality of all persons, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.

Our deepest condolences and prayers go out to the communities and families affected by these senseless acts of violence.

For those members of the USG community having a difficult time dealing with the impact of this incident, the campus' Center for Counseling and Consultation (CCC) has mental health counselors available to speak to anyone (student, staff, or faculty) who needs assistance.  The CCC is located inside the Priddy Library in Building III.  Appointments can be made by calling 301-738-6273 or by stopping in.  Emergency services are also available for those needing to speak with someone right away.

Anyone seeking assistance in response to a hate/bias incident or harassment can contact the USG Public Safety Office, Office of Student Services, USG Human Resources Office or your home university representative at USG.


Dr. Stewart Edelstein