
Dear USG Community,

We are deeply disappointed and saddened that President Trump has announced an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  DACA has benefited hundreds of thousands of talented young people who know no other country than the United States.  Like many immigrants to our country, these young people strive to improve themselves through education and hard work.   

As an institution that increasingly reflects the remarkable diversity of our county and state, we witness daily the tremendous benefit that the presence of immigrants brings to our communities. DACA beneficiaries have been outstanding students on our campus; their presence has enriched USG, our university degree programs and all of our students. We fear that the end of DACA will make our campus, our community, and our state less culturally vigorous and therefore less successful.

The DACA beneficiaries are integral to the character of our state and nation. They work hard every day, paying taxes, serving in the military and contributing in many other ways to the strength of our communities. Holding these young people hostage when Congress has failed over many, many years to create a legislative solution for their dilemma strikes us as cruel and inhumane.

We must now insist upon a bipartisan effort in Congress to create a permanent solution that will allow these young people to continue their studies and work in the United States. We join higher education and business leaders in urging Congress to codify the principles of DACA so that those who qualify for its protections may live free from the fear of deportation, enabling them to continue to contribute to the economic and cultural well-being of our county and state.  We urge the members of the USG community to reach out to their representatives in Congress and ask for swift action on new legislation of which we can all be proud

Most importantly, we want to reach out to DACA students in our community to assure them that we stand with them and they are welcome on our campus. The Center for Counseling and Consultation will provide free services to those members of the USG community affected by the DACA decision.  Students may bring in their families, if appropriate, to receive services.  To make an appointment, call 301-738-6273 or stop by the Center, located inside the Priddy Library in Room 1134.​  Students at USG seeking information and support services should also reach out to their home campuses.  View a listing of those home university offices.

We believe that all students, regardless of their background or country of origin, bring to our campus unique perspectives and experiences that enrich our community. In doing so, they reflect who we are -- and what we strive to be -- an institution that provides all people with the opportunity to receive an education and succeed in a place where they feel valued and respected.

With commitment to our collective efforts and in solidarity with all those affected by the rescission of DACA,

Stewart Edelstein