
On October 26, 2010, at the 2nd Annual BioMedical Sciences Day, National Institute of Health (NIH) Chemical Genomics Center’s director, Christopher P. Austin, M.D., spoke on “Translating Basic Science to the Clinic.” Dr. Austin discussed how scientists can better understand diseases through gene and protein research that leads pharmaceutical companies to develop the next generation of helpful drugs.

Students from the University of Maryland School of Nursing, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and University of Maryland, College Park Biological Sciences also showcased their poster presentations. Below is the list of students and their respective projects.

University of Maryland, School of Nursing

• Ayelet Cohen, Becky Pastusek, and Liya Rodovskaya—“Why Does the Incidence of Pertussis Continue to Rise Despite the Availability of Vaccinations in the United States?”

• Jumanah Alhamarneh, Chouchouna Kalamba, and Yaye Lo—“Combined Intra-arterial and Intravenous Thrombolysis, Is It Worth the Risk?”

•Adetutu Awodipe, Patricia Mukum, and Nchonyi Nkemnkeng—“Is Diet and Exercise Education More Effective than Reduce Stress Level Education in the Treatment of Hypertension?”

• Lauren Lambert, Tram Nguyen, and Christie Vivian—“The Night Shift: When Nurse Fatigue Turns Dangerous”

• Kellie Eng, Christine Malone, and Francesca Mele—“Can BIOPATCH Reduce Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection?”

• Lucas Egebe, Anuoluwapo Ijaola, and David Nsimbo—“Is Nursing Staff Hourly Rounding or Reactionary Mode (Call Light Use) More Effective in Patient Satisfaction of Care?”

• Diana Ngen, Blessing Nwanety, and Abimifoluwa Oluwayinka—“The Efficacy of Meter-Dose Inhaler (MDI) with Spacer vs. Nebulizer in Acute Management of Pediatric Asthma”

• Priscilla Boateng, Chimene Doue, and Jeanne Mafokou—“Effectiveness of Chlorhexidine Solution in the Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia”

• Jennifer Cunningham, Lauren Guarin, and Marlyn Guevara—“We Want YOU for Shoulder Dystocia Training”

• Joy Crowley, Jasmine Sandoval, and Jacyln Shrader —“To Induce or Not to Induce? That Is the Question”

• Larissa Nyanda, Felix Tetteh, and Natalie Yao—“Effectiveness of Gastroenteritis Vaccine in Pediatric Population”

• Ted Araneta, Morgan Johnson, and Kelsey Meyer—“Can a Silver-Coated Endotracheal Tube Really Zap VAP?”

• J.R. Fraker, Sarah McCollough, and Alta Wolde—“Best Practices for External Fixator Device Pin Site Care”

• Laura Camp, Stacey Heivlin, and Annie Robinson—“Do Interventions Related to Coping and Empowerment Reduce Anxiety and Stress of Parents?”

University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy

•Michael Akers, Heather Congdon, Kathleen Matthews, Hoai An Truong, and Faramarz Zarfeshan—“Evaluation of Initial Clinical Outcomes from a Newly Established Medication Therapy Management Initiative”

• Les Baillie, Guan-Liang Cao, Alan S. Cross, Theresa Huwar, Supatra Porasuphatana, Gerald M. Rosen, Paul Shapiro, Fatemeh Tavakkoli, and Pei Tsai—“Bacillus Anthracis Endospores Regulate Ornithine Decarboxylase and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Through ERK1/2 and p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases”

• Lisa Charneski and Jacob Wesley—“Intravenous to Oral Antibiotic Conversion Protocol in a Community Hospital Setting: How Many Are Being Switched?”

• Heather Brennan Congdon, PharmD, Lauren C. Harrison, PharmD, and Joseph T. DiPiro, PharmD—“The Status of US Multi-campus Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy”

University of Maryland, College Park Biological Sciences

• Natalia Orduz—“Genetic Mapping of the U6T1A Genei Associated with Bladder Cancer”

• Clara Gomez— “A Multi-modality Approach to Breast Cancer”

•Amit Dhanda and Sidarth Patel—“Basal Resistance Revealed by Golovinomyces C. UMS61”

• Yonas Gebremicale—“Developing Transgenic Technologies for the Vector of Plant Pathogens, Macrosteles Fascifrons”

• Mariel Escatte—“Use of Bacteriophage-encoded lysia Plyc Against Invasive Strep Pyogenes”

• An Nuygen—“A Putative DNA Primase in Archeamay Effect E.Coli. Morphology”

• Rawan Araj—“Analysis of Structural Mutations in Macrophage Stimulating Protein (MSP/MST1) and Implications in the Pathogenesis of Crohn’s Disease”