
The Universities at Shady Grove honored 697 fall 2012 and spring 2013 bachelor’s degree candidates from its nine partner universities at the twelfth annual USG Graduation Celebration on Thursday, May 9. Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown delivered the keynote address for a capacity crowd of more than 1000 students, family, friends, and distinguished guests.

“Every year, I am impressed by the extraordinary students who accomplish so much during their time here at USG, both in their academic pursuits and outside the classroom,” said Dr. Stewart Edelstein, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University System of Maryland and Executive Director at Universities at Shady Grove. “USG – with our extraordinary partners in education, community and business – continues to grow and foster a campus community in which our students thrive.”

William Cooper-Balis, a graduation candidate of UMBC’s B.A. Social Work program at USG, served as the student speaker for the event. Michael Rager, a graduation candidate of the Robert. H. Smith School of Business and president of GroveVets, introduced fellow U.S. military veteran, Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown.

This year’s class includes a record number of graduates from programs at USG and shows steady growth since the first graduating class of 36 students in 2002. In total, more than 4,700 students have now received bachelor’s degrees from programs at USG since the campus began offering full-time, daytime programs in the fall of 2000.

Event Photos and Graduation Video

Download a copy of the 2013 USG Graduation Video. 
View and download photos of the USG Graduation Celebration from Flickr.

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