The Universities at Shady Grove’s (USG) Eleventh Annual Scholarship and Donor Recognition Celebration moved to virtual format on Friday, November 20, 2020. More than 650 scholarship recipients and donors were honored. The scholarships are created with contributions from private donors, the USG Board of Advisors, local businesses, foundations, community organizations, individuals, and state legislators. More than 500 scholarships are awarded to students annually, meeting the needs of just over half of the applicants.
Dr. Anne Khademian, newly appointed executive director of USG and Associate Vice Chancellor for the University System of Maryland, welcomed everyone to the event.
"We all know that earning a degree is a serious undertaking in normal times, and we all know that this year has not been normal," said Dr. Khademian. "The partnership for success between USG’s scholarship donors and the hard-working students who receive their funds has never been more important. In 2020, our donors have supported everything from full tuition and fees, to internships, to books, to even just the basic necessities of life. Every dollar helps with the struggle to graduate, and every dollar helps make a dream come true.”
Tiffany Flowers, a Towson University student in the Elementary Education/Special Education program at USG and the USG Student Council President, was the event’s student speaker. Flowers shared her personal story and emphasized the importance of scholarships on her educational journey. Flowers also expressed “the one thing I am looking forward to the most [after graduation] is sitting in a scholarship luncheon, not as a recipient, but as a proud donor.”
USG Board of Advisors Chair Shirley Brandman shared that the USG Emergency Assistance Fund established earlier this year has raised more than $120,000 for students financially impacted by COVID-19, and has already met more than 850 student requests for emergency assistance. She noted the importance of meeting the fund’s $150,000 goal before the end of the year to help as the holidays and winter arrive.
New donors Paul and Lisa Goetz shared their inspiring story of deciding to get involved with giving to USG scholarships. Paul is the Associate Director of USG’s Office of Information Technology and has worked on the campus for 31 years, while Lisa is in software sales. They said that although they do not consider themselves wealthy, they felt a calling to become scholarship donors by the hardworking students at USG and the philanthropy of the Kendall family.
After donors and scholarship recipients enjoyed discussions in small breakout rooms, Dr. Khademian closed the event by thanking everyone for participating and believing in the promise of USG.
“Let’s work together to make 2021 and beyond our best years yet,” Dr. Khademian said.
See below for a recording of the event, as well as a digital copy of the program listing the scholarships and student recipients this year.