Upcoming Workshops
The Priddy Library and Macklin Center for Leadership and Communication are collaborating to offer a series of workshops this spring. In-person workshops will be held in the Priddy Library (Building III, 1st Floor) and the Macklin Center (Building IV, Suite 1322). Drop-ins are welcome for the in-person workshops. For the virtual or hybrid workshops, a Zoom link will be sent to you after registering to access the workshop. Please register by 9:00 am on the day of the workshop to ensure that you receive the login information. See workshop descriptions below.
Upcoming Workshops:
- Preparing for a Literature Review, Tuesday, March 4th, 1:00-2:30 pm - Hybrid/Priddy Library
- Effective Presentations, Wednesday, March 5th, 1:00-2:00 pm - Hybrid/Priddy Library
- Time Management with Apps, Wednesday, March 12th, 12:30-1:30 pm - Hybrid/Priddy Library
- Using Generative AI for Learning, Wednesday, March 26th, 1:00-2:00 - Hybrid/Priddy Library
- Countering Conspiracy, Monday, March 31st, 5:00-6:00 pm - Virtual
Spring 2025 Workshops Schedule
Information & Resources from the Workshops
Can't make a scheduled workshop, but still want to attend? Have an idea for another workshop that you would like the library to offer? Fill out this form to schedule a workshop with a librarian.
For faculty: Would you like to offer one of the workshops to your students? Fill out this form to schedule a time for a Priddy librarian to come to your class.
Workshop Descriptions
Academic Research: Finding Scholarly/Peer-reviewed Articles
So many databases to choose from! Determine which ones are best, develop effective search strategies, tips on identifying peer-reviewed articles, and managing search results.
ArcGIS Online & Story Maps
Learn how to create digital maps, combining them with photos, text, video, and audio, to tell a story.
Artificial Intelligence in Business
Benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) for small business; featuring a few free AI tools for small business owners/entrepreneurs.
Countering Conspiracy
Is that true? Or does it just feel true? Attend this workshop to become a pro at sorting through online mis and disinformation.
Effective Presentations
Presentations causing you anxiety? Learn how to create and deliver an effective presentation.
Build an e-Portfolio - an innovative way to showcase your professional and academic skills and experiences in an online format.
Excel - Functions, Tables & Charts
Covers functions and formatting, plus pivot tables to analyze and present your data.
From Research to Paper
Gain confidence and tools to better manage the process of writing an academic research paper using APA style.
Group Work and Group Writing
Dreading group projects this semester? Learn skills to work in groups effectively.
Introduction to Systematic Reviews
Explore the basics of conducting a systematic review, including tips, tools and ways librarians can collaborate with you.
Preparing for a Literature Review
Tips and techniques for searching library databases, reading scholarly articles, and creating a literature review.
Research Posters
Learn how to use PowerPoint to transform research into a poster. Discuss content guidelines, design, and presentation tips.
Search Strategies for Systematic Reviews
Craft a comprehensive, yet precise string of search terms and syntax to get the information you need from databases.
So you want to be an Entrepreneur? Have you done your Research?
Do you know who your competitors are? Looking for company and industry information? You can access databases at Priddy Library to aid you in your entrepreneurship research.
Starting a Business: What You Need to Know
Have you always wanted to start your own business, but didn't know where to start? This workshop will guide you through the basic requirements.
Storytelling with Data & Infographics
With the use of graphs and infographics, create data visualizations that tell a compelling story.
Systematic Review Tools
Get acquainted with the tools available to support the various steps of a systematic review.
Time Management: Starting Strong
Start your semester strong by learning time management and study strategies to set you on the right path.
Time Management with Apps
Maintain and make the most of your study schedule with free online applications.
Using Generative AI for Learning
Explore responsible uses and limitations of text-based generative AI in your courses.
Writing and Citing with APA
Learn how the online software Academic Writer can help with organizing your sources, writing an individual or group paper and checking your citations in APA style.
Explore how the citation manager Zotero can help you cite and create a bibliography for your research paper and more.