The Library provides one-on-one research consultations to assist you with identifying articles, books, data, and other sources for your class assignments or research projects. Make an in-person or virtual appointment with the library staff member who specializes in your area of study or can help in other ways.  Walk-in consultations are also welcome.

Staff MemberContact InfoSubject AreasI Can Also Help with...
Eileen Harrington


biological sciences, biotechnology, dental hygiene, engineering, exercise science, fermentation science, GIS, health systems management, nursing, pharmacy, public healthAcademic Writer, ArcGIS Online and StoryMaps, Canva, Hire U, data management, Open Educational Resources (OER), systematic reviews, Zotero
Franklin Ofsthunofsthun@umd.educommunication, education, information science, psychology, social workGoogle Suite Products, time management, Adobe Express, research posters, e-portfolios, career competencies, Hire U, evaluating sources, media literacy
Irene Munster


criminology & criminal justice, graphic design, history, political science, simulation and game design Digital humanities, finding historical documents/images, Omeka
Greta Ober


business, computer science, construction management, cybersecurity, data science, hospitality and tourism management, marketing, public administration, technical managementAdvanced database searching, e-Portfolios, Excel, research posters, presentations