Contact usg-events@umd.edu regarding pricing, reservation and cancellation policies, and space use/rental policies for events on the Universities at Shady Grove campus.
Policy on Use of Facilities
In order to provide an enjoyable experience during your visit and use of our facilities, we ask that all patrons demonstrate respect for the property and others by adhering to all policies. The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) has the authority and obligation to ensure that meetings held on its premises are not disruptive or dangerous, and that organizations using university facilities have not engaged in proven illegal conduct.
The institutions of the University System of Maryland (USM) are encouraged to make their facilities available to community groups and other members of the public for meetings and other activities. As a public institution, USG must be particularly sensitive to the constitutional rights of community groups that seek access to its facilities - it cannot exclude groups simply because their views or activities are controversial. However, as the USM Board of Regents policy makes clear, "permission to use a facility does not imply endorsement by the University or its institutions of the view or programs of the user." The mere use of our facilities by any organization, does not suggest USG's endorsement of the group's philosophy, programs or practices.