USG lost and found property is arranged, below, by the date it was found and turned in.  The list is updated regularly, but If your property was lost and turned in more recently than the most recent date on this list, it would still be at the Security Desk in B-III.  If we don't have your property, please check again later as items are often not found and/or turned in for several days.  To reclaim lost property, note your Property Number (P-XXXX) and call 301-738-6065 (B-III Guard Desk).  Older found property may have been moved to long term storage, where it is generally available to be claimed during weekday business hours.   

Note: We DO NOT store perishable food items.

Property NumberDate FoundLocation FoundProperty DescriptionStatus
P-516002/10/25B-III, Room 2206Lunch Bag 
P-5159   Returned
P-515802/08/25B-IV, TerraceApple Ear Pod Case 
P-515702/07/25B-III, 3rd floorKnit Hat "HONDA" 
P-515602/06/25Priddy LibraryPerfume 
P-515502/05/25B-IIIPink Lunch Bag 
P-515402/05/25Traville Gateway GarageWater Bottle "ARUBA" 
P-515302/05/25Priddy LibraryApple Ear Pods 
P-5152   Returned
P-5151   Returned
P-515002/03/25B-IV, Room 3335Navy Scarf 
P-5149   Returned
P-514801/30/25B-IV, TerraceScarf 
P-5147   Returned
P-514601/30/25B-II, LobbyBlack Coat, "Kenneth Cole" 
P-514501/28/25B-IVBlue Lunch Bag "Holy Cross" 
P-514401/27/25B-II, LoungeBlue Water Bottle 
P-5143   Returned
P-5142   Returned
P-514101/24/25B-IV, 4th FloorTwo Computer Mouse's & Two Chargers 
P-5140A01/21/15B-II, Multi Purpose RoomBlack Knit Hat 
P-514001/21/25B-III, Classroom 3241Black Jacket 
P-5139   Returned
P-513812/13/24Priddy LibraryApple Laptop Charger 
P-513712/12/24Shady Grove GarageRing 
P-5136   Returned
P-513512/10/24B-II, Classroom 2032MD Drivers License (Giraldo) 
P-5134   Returned
P-513312/10/24OIT Service DeskReading Glasses in Gray Case 
P-513212/05/24OIT Service DeskGreen Insulated Bag 
P-5131   Returned
P-5130   Returned
P-5129   Returned
P-512811/25/24Outside B-IV8 Miscellaneous Books 
P-512711/22/24Priddy LibraryBlue Lunch Box 
P-5126   Returned
P-512511/20/24B-IV, Women's Rest RoomReading Glasses 
P-512411/20/24B-II, Multi Purpose RoomPink Water Bottle 
5123A11/19/24B-IIIGray Men's Blazer 
P-5123   Returned
P-5122   Returned
P-5121   Returned
P-5120   Returned
P-5119   Returned
P-511811/13/24B-IVBlack Water Bottle 
P-5117   Returned
P-5116   Returned
P-511511/11/24B-II, Multi Purpose RoomOne Earring and Makeup 
P-511411/09/24B-III, Study Room 5100Brita Water Bottle  
P-5113   Returned
P-511211/07/24B-IV, Fountain Terrace  
P-5111   Returned
P-5110   Returned
P-510911/06/24B-IV, Classroom 4321Ear Buds 
P-5108   Returned
P-5107   Returned
P-510611/04/24B-IDrivers License (Miranda) 
P-5105   Returned
P-5104   Returned
P-5103   Returned
P-510210/30/24B-III, 5th FloorOne Leaf Earring 
P-510110/29/24B-IVTurquoise Water Bottle 
P-510010/29/24B-II, Multi Purpose Room  
P-509910/25/24B-IV, Rm G201Black Beribes Headphones 
P-509810/25/24B-III, Rm 4100Black lunch bag with food container 
P-5097   Returned
P-509610/22/24B-III, Priddy LibraryPink Opaque Bag with Assorted Highlighters 
P-5095   Returned
P-5094   Returned
P-5093   Returned
P-509210/18/24Traville Gateway GarageWhite Yeti Tumbler with lid and pink spout cover 
P-509110/20/24B-IIIBlack circular plug and white charging cable 
P-509010/19/24B-IV, 1st FloorAsus Charger 
P-508910/18/24B-IV, LobbyGreen/ Gray Kate Spade Eyeglass Case with Cloth 
P-508810/17/24B-III, Priddy LibraryBrown Scarf 
P-5087   Returned
P-5086   Returned
P-5085   Returned
P-508410/16/24B-IV, 1st Floor ClassroomGray Hydro Flask 
P-5083   Returned
P-508210/15/24B-IVTan Stanley Insulated Cup 
P-508110/14/24B-III, Rm 3230Black USB Dongle 
P-5080   Returned
P-5079   Returned
P-5078   Returned
P-5077   Returned
P-5076   Returned
P-5075   Returned
P-507410/07/24B-IVWootten HS ID (D. Restrepo) 
P-507310/03/24B-IV, Rm 1318Gold Colored Ring 
P-507210/02/24B-III, Priddy LibraryBlue Multicolored Logitech Mouse  
P-507110/02/24B-IV, Rm 4321Black Soundcore Earbuds and case 
P-5070   Returned
P-5069   Not Used
P-506810/02/24B-III Light brown/ tan sweater 
P-5067   Returned
P-5066   Returned
P-506509/30/24B-IV, 4th floorGold/ Brass colored rings 
P-506409/24/24B-III, Priddy LibraryLight blue headphone cover 
P-506309/26/24B-III, Priddy LibrarySilver colored hair clip 
P-5062   Returned
P-5061   Returned
P-506009/24/24B-IVApple Ear Pod & Case 
P-505909/24/24B-IV, 3rd floorPink Watch 
P-5058   Returned
P-5057   Returned
P-5056   Returned
P-5055   Returned
P-5054   Returned
P-5053   Returned
P-5052   Returned
P-5051   Returned
P-5050   Returned
P-504909/16/24B-IV, Room 4335Scarf 
P-5048   Returned
P-5047   Returned
P-504609/11/24B-II, Room 3305White MacBook Charger 
P-504509/11/24B-IV, Security DeskBrown Sweater 
P-5044   Not Used
P-5043   Returned
P-5042   Returned
P-504109/04/24B-III, Priddy LibrarySilver USG Thermal Coffee Cup 
P-5040   Returned
P-503908/29/24B-IV, 4th Floor Study RoomBlack Lunch Bag with Container 
P-503808/29/24B-IV, 3rd FloorG Earbuds 
P-5037   Destroyed
P-503608/29/24 B-IV, Macklin CenterBank Card (Rivera) 
P-5035   Returned
P-5034   Returned
P-503308/27/24B-III, 4th Floor  ClassroomBlack Beats Earphones 
P-503208/27/24B-IV, Cafe AreaContigo Water Bottle 
P-503108/26/24B-III, Priddy LibraryBible (A. Chung), SPSS Booklet, and Hardback Game 
P-503009/20/24B-III, Priddy LibraryPink Laptop Case/ Cover 
P-50298/26/24B-III, Exterior of Bldg.Black Sweater 
P-50288/20/24B-III, 2nd & 3rd Floor AtriumJLab Earbud and Case 
P-5027   Returned
P-50268/02/24B-IV, Exterior TablesBrown Plastic Eyeglasses 
P-50257/26/24B-IV, Dental ClinicSilver Colored Hoop Eye Ring/ Earring 
P-50247/25/24B-IVUS Currency 
P-50237/24/24B-IVBlue Contigo Metal Water Bottle 
P-50227/24/24B-IVBlue Camelbak St. Mary's College Water Bottle 
P-5021   Returned
P-5020   Returned
P-501907/12/24B-III, Room 2215HP Laptop Charger 
P-5018   Returned
P-50177/07/24Shady Grove GarageTowson University ID Card (Rosenzwek) 
P-5016 6/14/24B-III, Priddy LibraryMaroon Eyeglass Case with Cloth 
P-50156/12/24B-III, Priddy LibraryBlack Lenovo Laptop Charger 
P-501406/12/24B-III, Priddy LibraryLogitech G305 Mouse and Mouse Pad 
P-5013   Returned
P-50126/12/24B-III, Room 3211Black Lenovo Laptop Charger 
P-501106/11/24B-IV, Room 1318Black Qui FIt Water Bottle 
P-501006/07/24B-IV, 4th FloorEar Buds Case 
P-5008B06/04/24Building IIIBlack Cardigan Sweater 
P-5008A   Returned
P-500706/01/24B-III, 3rd FloorMail Correspondence 
P-5006   Returned
P-500505/22/24B-III, Classroom 3219Water Bottle 
P-500405/20/24B-III, 1st Floor, RestroomMP3 Player 
P-500305/16/24B-III, 2nd Floor Rest Room Sweater and Scarf 
P-5002   Returned
P-500105/15/24B-III, Priddy LibraryBaseball Hat 
P-5000   Returned
P-499905/13/24B-III, 3rd Floor, Women's Rest RoomEye Glasses 
P-499805/09/24Priddy LibraryPC Mouse 
P-4997   Returned
P-499605/10/24Building IVDriver's License (Riley) 
P-499505/08/24Building III, Priddy LibraryWireless Computer Mouse (Teal) 
P-499405/08/24Building III, Priddy LibraryiPhone charger (White) iPhone Charger (Black) 
P-499305/07/24Building IPlastic Water Bottle 
P-4992   Returned
P-4991   Returned
P-499005/04/24Building IBlack Sweater and Charging Cord 
P-4989   Returned
P-4988   Returned
P-498704/29/24Building IIIBlack Sony Headphones 
P-498604/20/24Building IIIBiago Black Sweater 2X 
P-4985   Returned
P-498404/16/24Building IIIMisc Nursing SuppliesReturned
P-498304/16/24Building IVBlack Cell Phone with cracked screen 
P-498204/09/24Building IVEarbud Case 
P-4982   Returned
P-498004/08/24GroundsCase for Stethoscope 
P-497904/05/24B-III, LobbyBlack Lunch Bag 
P-497804/02/24B-III, 2nd FloorRed/White Lunch Bag 
P-4977   Returned
P-497603/29/24GroundsIndependence Card 
P-497503/28/24Priddy LibraryPhone Charging Cord 
P-497403/28/24B-IV, Classroom 5321Eye Glasses 
P-497303/26/24B-III, 2nd FloorUSG ID Card (Buscher) 
P-497203/26/24B-IV, Ground FloorBlack Lunch Box 
P-4971   Returned
P-4970   Destroyed
P-496903/21/24B-III, Room 2206Gray Jacket 
P-4968   Returned
P-496703/14/24Priddy LibraryBlack Sweater 
P-4966   Returned
P-4965   Returned
P-496403/13/24B-IIIGreen Jacket 
P-496303/12/24Building IV, G201Lunch Bag and Umbrella 
P-4962   Returned
P-496103/11/24B-IIIOne Airpod in Case 
P-496003/08/24B-IV, Room 5203Texas Instruments Calculator 
P-495903/05/24B-IV, Ground FloorLaptop Charging Cable 
P-4958   Returned
P-4957   Returned
P-495603/05/24B-III, 2nd FloorWater Bottle 
P-495503/04/24B-III, 2nd FloorUSG ID Card (Contes) 
P-495402/29/24B-III, 3rd FloorUSB Drive 
P-4953   Returned
P-495202/23/24Priddy LibraryEye Glasses and Pen 
P-495102/22/24B-III, 2nd FloorUSG ID Card (Morris) 
P-495002/19/24B-IV, 1st Floor Womens RestroomRing