Through a partnership between the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Auxiliary Services, we are able to support the campus digital ad effort.  The purpose of these signs is to provide current up-to-date information for our students, staff, faculty, and visitors.

This information includes:

  • Academic Schedule
  • Conference and Event Schedule
  • Event and Service Advertisements
  • Special Event Coverage

Event and Service Advertisements

Digital advertisements are quick and easy to create and provide maximum exposure for your event or service on our strategically placed LCD panel displays.  Advertisements are updated at the beginning of each week and are allowed to run for multiple weeks.  Currently, digital advertisements are free and are only available for academic partners, student groups, and campus service centers.

Here Are Some Tips for Designing PowerPoint Slides for SGTV 
  • Avoid clutter and use big fonts & colors that are easy on the eyes
  • Use titles or headings to target your audience
  • Use visual images to complement your message
  • Avoid animations to prevent distraction
  • Above all keep it short and to the point

If you are interested in posting a digital ad please submit your PowerPoint slides to Auxiliary Services.

NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE A SYSTEM ACCOUNT to access the form.  If you do not have an account on this system, please notify your department head, academic program representative, or the Center for Student Engagement and Financial Resources to submit your ad on your behalf.  Advertisements are suspended only for special event displays, and for the first few weeks of each semester and the first week for each minor term.

Special Event Coverage

If you are hosting an event at The Universities at Shady Grove and would like to display either a slide show, video, or more; please send your request with details to Erin Fernandez at

NOTE: Special event coverage must be approved by Auxiliary Services and will only be permitted, provided it does not interfere with any other important campus information scheduled.  Timely submittal of a special event request does not guarantee approval.

Technical Support

For issues with any of the digital ad displays on campus please contact Russell Schlosburg at