The Marketing and Communications team at USG has expertise in consultation/planning, copywriting, public relations, graphic design, branding, website and analytics support, digital marketing (i.e. email blasts, social media advertising, etc.) and photography. The team supports a variety of events, as well as outreach initiatives for both the USG campus and its nine partner universities.
General Marketing/Communications Support
For University Partners and Departments at USG
Partner universities and USG departments can submit a request for marketing/communications support below. Requests submitted are typically in support of an event, or to promote a program or initiative on campus
Please allow at least a 1-2 week turnaround for all requests (and ideally, 4-6 weeks for marketing and materials in support of events).
Social Media & Digital Signage Requests
For University Partners and Departments at USG
Partner universities and USG departments can submit an event promotion form request for messaging on USG's social media channels and digital signage screens below. Requests submitted are typically in support of an event, but can also promote a program or initiative on campus.
Please allow at least 3-5 days turnaround for all requests.
Prospective Student Outreach
For University Partners at USG Only
Partner universities on the USG campus can also seek help from the Marketing & Communications team to obtain targeted lists of prospective students currently attending Montgomery College (MC) that would have a possible interest in program(s) offered at USG. Lists are typically filtered in a way that allows our partner universities to reach a specific target audience (through selected majors, number of credit hours, etc.). Contact lists can be provided separately, and/or partners may request to have an email blast created and sent on their program’s behalf. Requests for targeted contact lists and/or email blasts can be submitted below.
Please allow at least one week turnaround for all requests.
Printed Campus Signage & Branding
For University Partners and Departments at USG
Partner universities and USG departments can submit a request for printed signage to brand their space(s) around campus. Please be advised that these requests should be pre-approved by your main campus/department head, as you will be responsible for the design and cost. If your main campus does not have resources available to design your signage, the USG Marketing & Communications team can provide support in this area with an estimated four-week turnaround time (which includes design and printing). All associated costs are required to be paid for by the requestor.