The M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, Specialty: STEM Education has a 30-credit, 10-course curriculum designed for elementary and middle school teachers to engage with the integrated content, skills, and practices of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. The M.Ed.’s cohort structure is designed to help build a professional learning community and can be completed in three years of continuous part-time enrollment. Grounded in theory and research, learning experiences in all courses employ pedagogical approaches featuring inquiry, logical reasoning, and collaboration.
In addition to earning the M.Ed. from the University of Maryland, students qualify for an add-on certification endorsement from the Maryland State Department of Education as “Instructional Leader: STEM (PreK-6)”.
The program is offered through the EdTerps Learning Academy, housed in the College of Education. The EdTerps Learning Academy provides flexible learning opportunities for working professionals in the field of Education, offering programs designed for career advancement while accommodating personal and professional responsibilities.
For complete information, see the Program Website.